This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Problems with Image module, images vanishing


I'm running a drupal site version 4.6.3 with php 5.0.5 on Ubuntu 5.10. using clean url's.

Periodically I the following error shows system/files not found in the admin section and it's always a thumbnail or a picture that's suddenly missing. In about 90% of the cases when the thumbnail has vanished the picture itself is also missing. It happens to pictures in galleries and to pictures embeded in posts (using img_assist).

Views: A screenshot and request for feedback

First, the screenshot: (250K) Views Form Builder

This post is twofold. First, to show off. Views is very close to being finished and I'm looking to get some people using it to help me find the vast array of bugs I'm sure are still lurking in the system. The second is that I'd like to get a little feedback on the UI design. It's...very large. But I think it works. And it's been impossibly to really describe Views in just a sentence or two. This screenshot says more about what the system can do than I can get across just by describing it.

This UI is used only by site admin/designer types, and not by the general user. It will see larger use early in the design stage of a site and much less as changes amount only to tweaking or adding of new features. I'm curious as to whether or not any of the UI gurus think there are things that are actively wrong or could be improved.

One suggestion that I dislike is to break it up into multiple pages. I like the idea that I can manipulate by adding and subtracting fields without saving it; as soon as it goes to a multiple page layout, I'm likely stuck. Also, it adds a lot of clicks...and there are already a lot of clicks. I will consider arguments to the contrary but be aware that I'm not really for the idea of a multi-page setup without some really good reasoning behind

WISIWIG for 4.7 Drupal?

Help - and where now take any WISIWIG editor for 4.7 Drupal?

How to post my modules?

How to post my modules?
What do I get for it? Some premier membership or etc?

4.7 forms: why no "#callback"=>"my_callback_function" ?

I like the new capability to pass hidden params as values without sending to the browser. However this is only supported if I create a function with "[form name]_submit". This is fine but such a function seems to require that the original form be rendered immediately after my processing code. I was unable to prevent this.

Thus, the "[form name]_submit" method of processing a form is not usable for interjecting a confirm form ("are you sure you want to...") between the form and its processing?

note that this would be nice (Not sure as tot he implementation details)

4.6 modules to 4.7?


I needed your advice. Should I try to install 4.6 modules to a new 4.7.0-beta.x installaiton? What the implications would be? Do you think some of them would work as normal?

Thank you


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