This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Problems with indexes of table `user_related_content_relationship_......'

We would be very pleased if any can help us telling how to solve these errors and warmings.

1) MySQL warning

Problems with indexes of table `user_related_content_relationship_type_content_types`
MySQL warning
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `rtid`

2) and this other error quith the users module:

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/conseno/public_html/modules/user_related_content/user_related_content.module on line 345.

Performance question regarding block module filtering flexinodes

Yesterday I created my first block module. This module shows a portfolio overview in the right sidebar. To display the right projectpages only, flexinodes need to be filtered (depending on the page's context). I'm wondering what is the best performing way to go. I'll explain.

On my site I have the menu items and sections (using sections.module):

  • webdesign
  • graphic design
  • multimedia presentations

To store project information as a kind of portfolio, I use flexinodes. The contenttype for these flexinodes is called a "projectpage". Each flexinode of type "projectpage" contains 18 flexinode fields.

As said before, in the right sidebar of my website I have a column "portfolio". In this column I want to show an overview of the projects, but then filtered: In the webdesign section I only want to show website projects, in the graphic design section I only want to show graphic projects, and in the multimedia presentations section I only want to show presentation projects.

Does anyone know what kind of solution will result in the best performance:

  • Create one general block module, which will be used on pages of all three sections (block's path definition will contain three url aliases).
    -> This is about a block that filters flexinodes by comparing the current page's section with the flexinode's section (if the current page's section is the same as the flexinode's section: show the projectpage in the sidebar, if the current page's section is not the same as the flexinode's section : do not show the projectpage in the sidebar)
  • Create three specific block modules, which will be used on pages of one section only (block's path definition will contain one url alias).

Module and Taxonomy

I'm developing a module (node) which uses taxonomy, when I try to save the taxonomy in the term_node table, using either sql insert or taxonomy_node_save, after I do it another query delete it.
I do in the _insert hook.

Where should I do the insert to taxonomy, or which function to use?.

Thanks in advance

easy way to wrap existing PHP app

Hello All,

We've decided to run Drupal as our Intranet application, and we have a number of pre-existing PHP applications which we use (ie. timesheets etc). I was wondering if there is an easy way to wrap them into drupal as modules? ie. turn them into page nodes with all their own database code intact? etc.

Thanks, nick

Image module problem

Hi I am currently working on a site for someone that wants an image gallery that is inside of Drupal. I've installed the image modules but for some reason its not working properly. It doesnt allow you to add more than one image to a gallery. Also something that my client does not like is the fact that it lists the images vertically and not horizontally in the image gallery. Is there a practical way to fix these problems? I am looking for any help.

Ping for updates of all updated modules

Not sure if we have it, but if not:

Is there a PING module that from time to time or manually would be able to ping the drupal developer site for the latest upgrades available for the different modules installed in our running sites?

I find that my different sites have different versions of different modules and i am not always sure which versions are running.
Also, it is very time consuming to manually check for which modules there are newer versions or upgrades.


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