I have taken over the development of the GoogleMap Module created by bjornarneson. We are in the process of updating CVS but I wanted to announce some changes and updates to the module:
Core Functionality
- Multiple maps: each map is now a node
- Multiple RSS feeds: imports any number of local RSS feeds
- Custom icons: Specify a custom for each feed
- Lines with custom color (per feed level)
- IE compatibility (I hope, see the Lines nodeAPI below for caveats)
See an example of this: http://island94.org/node/15
You can get an advance copy here (or wait for the CVS, there still may be a few bugs to squash): http://drupal.org/files/issues/googlemap-2005-12-1-1624.tar
Added Functionality
NodeAPI for Lines: allows lines to be drawn at a node level (no easy way to create the line...yet, I'm looking at incorporating some of the functionality of GMap Filter module). Lines are then injected into the RSS feed. I use the tag "line" but I am not sure if this will create a namespace collision anywhere (this may break IE).
Additionally included
- Fullfeed.module: Because Drupal 4.6 caps feeds at 15 items, this module creates entire feeds of content. Code is ripped from taxonomy.module, so for a feed of term 1: /fullfeed/taxonomy/term/1/0/feed. I understand this can also be useful for getting your site indexed.