This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Block content based on selections in another block


I'm pretty new to Drupal and I've only played with making my own modules for a short time. The API seems very clear and straightforward, and the documentation and examples are excellent. However, what I'm now trying to do requires me to combine things in a way that isn't covered in the docs. I need to ask for advice from someone with more experience.

Here's what I want to do:

Event Modul : filter

The event modul filters the events by type and/ or terms - where type means content type. In the sense of taxonomy wouldn't it be better to filter by vocabulary (instead of content type) and/ or term??

Flexinode module error


I installed the flexinode module, but when I go to the panel > administer > settings > flexinode I read the following error message:

warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /var/www/html/dru/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module on line 785.

warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /var/www/html/dru/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module on line 110.

Any idea of what it means?

Pinging multiple sites

Hi all,

I've found several requests for pinging other/multiple sites - the answers were just hacks in the existing ping.module code. So I wrote a "multiping" module which allows pinging multiple sites.
First, I want to make sure that my previous research is still correct ;-) If so, what would be the next correct step to make the module available to others (publish it on my web site? CVS account? ...)?

troubles supporting PHP5

I am having trouble tracing errors that crop up in my module (tagnode) when it is run on PHP5.

No such problems (I think) for PHP4. But when it is run on PHP5, some users are reporting these 2 errors

(1) sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in
/var/www/drupal/includes/ on line 154.

(2) Query was empty
query: in /var/www/drupal/includes/ on line 66.

image_assist gets very slow

Sorry, I have posted this some time ago in '"How do I" -style questiones' but I think this is the right forum.

Is there a possibility to get image_assist faster? After having 500/1000 images in the directory, image_assist takes more than 2 minutes to scan the directory until the pop-up window shows up.
Does it help to restructure the image directory? If so, how could this be done? Is it possible to tell image_assist to scan only specific directorys before it scans the whole image directory?

Thanks in advance.


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