I'm pretty new to Drupal and I've only played with making my own modules for a short time. The API seems very clear and straightforward, and the documentation and examples are excellent. However, what I'm now trying to do requires me to combine things in a way that isn't covered in the docs. I need to ask for advice from someone with more experience.
The event modul filters the events by type and/ or terms - where type means content type. In the sense of taxonomy wouldn't it be better to filter by vocabulary (instead of content type) and/ or term??
I've found several requests for pinging other/multiple sites - the answers were just hacks in the existing ping.module code. So I wrote a "multiping" module which allows pinging multiple sites.
First, I want to make sure that my previous research is still correct ;-) If so, what would be the next correct step to make the module available to others (publish it on my web site? CVS account? ...)?
Sorry, I have posted this some time ago in '"How do I" -style questiones' but I think this is the right forum.
Is there a possibility to get image_assist faster? After having 500/1000 images in the directory, image_assist takes more than 2 minutes to scan the directory until the pop-up window shows up.
Does it help to restructure the image directory? If so, how could this be done? Is it possible to tell image_assist to scan only specific directorys before it scans the whole image directory?