I'm currently making a "weekly schedule" module for Temple University's new CIS department website to keep track of the hours the computer labs are open. Currently I have a small prototype up that pulls a schedule from two tables in mysql here. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or feature requests before I wrap it in a drupal module.
I'm trying to get the flashxmlrpc from dopelogik to communicate with my own blogapi based drupal module.
it is connecting and the function is found by flash but i get the following error.
Call to a member function serialize() on a non-object in htdocs\drupal\includes\xmlrpc.inc on line 515
I've customized the bookmarks module.
Now the bookmarks of a registered user can be seen by every visitor of a site.
The admin of a site has full control over the users bookmarks. That means he can delete bookmarks.
If you like you can try and test the module at www.learn-php.de.
Simply login or register to my site, click on my bookmarks and create your first bookmark.
After that you can see your bookmarks block on the right sitebar.
When I set up my website I decided to keep article submissions simple and created a little plain-text markup protocol. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that someone had developed a more complete version called Textile. (Syntax is, for example, *bold*, _italic_, +underline+, etc.)
I was further pleased to learn that someone had done a port for Drupal. I find the WYSIWYG editors too slow and erratic, BB code and HTML a bit cumbersome, but Textile is rather easy to write.