This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

xmlrpc to post other content (page,story,etc... not just blog)

anyway we can use xmlrpc tools (wbloggar/ecto/etc) to create contents like pages/story/etc...??

this will help lots of newbies to publish content right from their desktop.


Has anyone integrated Flashphoto world map?

Has anyone integrated dupral with Flash photo world map?

It would be cool to ad a field where users put in their hometown so it shows on the world map. How difficult would that be?

Courios about categorizing blog entries

Is there any way the user could categorise their blog enries into diffrent sections.

User account:
-view recent blog entries
- Category #2
-blog entry
-blog entry
- Category #1
-blog entry
-blog entry

And is it possible to change the name Blog to Journal? Or is there some other module that could do the all this.

Rewriting PM module: Anyone familiar with function form_select?

I'm rewriting a portion of the PM module. One change is to add a MEMBERS drop down list to the existing CONTACTS list on the "Write a new message" page.

The existing PM module uses form_ functions from for everything but the drop down lists, and I'm wondering if the working code I wrote for a MEMBERS list can be translated into a form_select function.

Here's the working code, with the XXonChangeXX XXed-out to get through the "suspicious code" filter on the Drupal forum:

  $form .= '<select id="edit-quick" name="quick2" XXonChangeXX="document.getElementById(\'edit-recipient\').value=quick2.value"><option value="" selected="selected">--'.t("Members").'--</option>';
  $result = db_query("SELECT name AS name from users ORDER BY name", $user->uid);
  while ($name = db_fetch_object($result)) 
    $name = check_plain($name->name);
    $form .= "<option value='$name'>$name</option>";
  $form .= '</select>';

Here's the function from

function form_select($title, $name, $value, $options, $description = NULL, $extra = 0, $multiple = FALSE, $required = FALSE) 

I think I can figure out most of the parameters, but I don't understand how to fill the list from $result, or how to do the OnChange code.

If my modifications are of value, I'd be glad to contribute this to the project. Suggestions appreciated.

Taxonomy and Breadcrumb Trail - need a little help :)

When I view a node, my breadcrumb trail is not reflecting the correct path of the page (as I have defined it in the taxonomy heirarchy)... but when I view the term in taxonomy the breadcrumb appears to be working fine.

Any idea how I can get my nodes to display the same types of breadcrumbs that my taxonomy pages are displaying?

access custom fields from profile module

I'm developing a module and I want my module to access one of the custom fileds that I have created using the profile module.

Can someone proint me in the direction of how to do this? I haven't been able to find any examples.




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