This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

SQL bug in Contacts list of PM module?

When we started testing Drupal, we noticed that the PM module did not list all of the names to which PMs had recently been sent by a user--sometimes as many as HALF of the recipients would not be listed.

Here's the present code:

$result = db_query("
FROM {personalmsg} p, {users} u
WHERE = u.uid
AND recipient = '%d'
AND p.timestamp > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (3600 * 24 * 30))
ORDER BY name", $user->uid);

What it's TRYING to do, as I understand it, is:

TinyMCE article browser

Let's say you'd like to set your node edit window so that users can browse the tree of all Drupal pages and automatically insert an inline link within the text. This would work as the current inline [inline:url] module, but would be far more user friendly (GUIsh)

I found this snippet on TinyMCE's page:

Error messages when trying to upload an updated module to the contributions folder

HI Guys,

I keep getting errors when trying to upload an updated module to the CONTRIBUTIONS folder in the CVS Respositories.

I have been using TortoiseCVS which has been working very well....up to now. I tried comitting the updated module to my sandbox folder..but was unable to upload it to the correct /contributions/ folder.

(I was trying to upload an updated version of the FRONT_PAGE.MODULE that works with the new forms api and Drupal CVS)

Ecommerce Module just Locks up Modules menu

Has anyone here tried the ecommerce package? I'm trying to install it on 4.6.3 but anytime I drop the folder in to the modules folder, the modules menu item ceases to work.

db_query strips curly brackets on INSERT?

Hey all (again)

Last question I swear ;o) After this I'm sorted and can finish the module myself, promise!

Here's my code: (I've included the $row variable to show a test INSERT although in my module it's gained from a user entered form)

$row = 'a:5:{i:0;s:5:"test2";i:1;s:4:"rtyr";i:2;s:3:"hgh";i:3;s:5:"fghfg";i:4;s:3:"ghf";}';
db_query("INSERT INTO {tablemanager_data} (id, tid, data) VALUES ('', '$tid', '$row')");

However when I look at whats created, its missing the curly brackets:

node_example.module doesn't seem to work as it should..


I am in the progress of writing my own type of nodes, so i checked out the node_example.module from the API.
Even though it is very well documented, i can't seem to get it working.
I uploaded the whole file to my /modules directory, inserted the database table and activated the module in administer > modules.


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