This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

#drupal-dev: when drupallers subscribe to a module, does that just notify them on issues?

When people subscribe to a module, do they just get emails about issues or do they get emails about new releases of the module as well?

At the moment it looks like just issues...would it be an idea to notify the same people about updates to the module?


MySQL bug workaround 4.1.15

I ran into a bug with MySQL with 4.1.8 and consequently 4.1.15 that was verified last night. It occured when trying to do a relatively simple SELECT statement on forum nodes and ORDERing the result set. While the query worked on blog types and pages, forum and story returned empty sets. MySQL 5.x does not have the bug.

Here is the bug report with reproduce code

News Aggregator

I hope this is in the right place. I am having a hell of a time figuring out how to get news aggregator to aggregate! I have followed the instructions to the T. I've tried not only the WoW IGN vault feed, but my own livejournal feed, and nothing works. What am I doing wrong!?

table sorting (asc/desc)


I can't get table sorting to work...
Here is my code: (the activity table is custom made)

#Drupal-dev: where/how do you submit a new release of an existing module?

Hi Guys.

Quick question for other Drupal-developers..

I've just updated the front_page.module to work with Drupal CVS and was looking for the Update/Submit new release option and couldn't find it.

Has that being discontinued?

Any pointers appreciated...couldn't find anything in the contributer links or handbook.



flexinode content type restricted to one per user

I have created several content types with flexinode. I would like to restrict users from making more than one node of a particular content type. Anybody have suggestions?


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