This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

can't seem to be able to install new modules and themes


I'm trying to install new modules and themes, but after putting them each in its respective folder and unzipping them( and in install instructions nothing is required besides putting in correct folder) , but I can't seem to be able to see any of them either in modules or themes ,,

I thought i only had this problem with themes, then faced it with modules, so what do you think ?


creating new node types

Im about to make some kind of a archive with funny files, it could be sound files, movieclips, pictures or flash. Should i make a nodetype for all of these and then index them with taxonomy OR should i make a node type each for these?

maybe doesnt make big difference but pros and cons are welcome :)

Moderating New Node Creation

I am trying to figure out how moderate new node creation. Essentially allow for new content to be uploaded but require that it sit in a queue until it has been reviewed by someone from a moderator group.

Any suggestions?


Organizing users by geographic location?

For my site I want to do some specialized organization of the users.

For example, some of the users (depending on their role) will need to have extra profile fields. This isn't supported out of the box, but it appears one could write a custom module with a hook_user callback that checks the user category and acts appropriately to display (or not) the extra profile fields.

But the other requirement is a little trickier. How should I arrange to list the users by their geographic location??

Events module sends me back in time

I recently installed the events module however whenever I set an event it changes the start time to
1970-01-01 00:00 that is in 1970, and the time isnt even right! Anyone who can help please assist me with this problem.

Can someone explain filters (for my XSL development)

In regards to a previous discussion on 'XMLNode' I've been looking at using the 'filters' mechanism to do XSL processing.

... And it works, sort of.
I created a filter definition (easier than I thought)
I declared it as an input filter (which isn't where I want it to go, but seems to test well)
And I can paste in raw XML content, and it displays as parsed results.

... but the parsing happens each time! The raw source is saved raw (which is actually a fantastic feature) but this is not what I wanted or expected. Is there a way to apply an IMPORT filter, not an EXPORT one?

Seeing as my target is not in fact to apply the filter to the input textarea, but to content from other sources, would I be best to branch the 'filter' concept into a whole other interface to administer the pipeline similar to that described by gjost?

Specifically, what I've got so far is an XSL that scrapes & converts HTML pages (head, meta & all) to a structure like the import/export module produces, which is then ready to be made a node.
I want to tune the pipeline (which will be needed for different pages coming from different layout schemas) and I think cascading filters will be cool for this, but then again, they may not be approriate, expecially seeing as I am wanting to end up with structured information, not just a string.


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