This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Unable to configure any content types


I found this error first when i add a new content type as part of Event & Flexinode modules configuration
and then click on "configure" under Admin> content > configure > contentTypes. But the configure is not working for any of the types like "personal blog entry", "story", etc. I'm not able to figure out what could be the problem and i'm not expert to understand and edit the node module file. Please let me know the solution for this.

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/apache2/www/modules/node.module on line 713

Taxonomy_image and displaying multiple category images

I know that Taxonomy_image has the ability to display multiple images if the node is assigned to multiple categories (Jeremy references this ability when the module was first posted). For the life of me I cannot figure out the code required to do this.

Has anyone else done this? If so, can you post your command lines? Thanks.

User Points gets updated for ecommerce

The User Points module had a significant update with the following features added:

- Ability to use points as a method of payment for ecommerce.
- Granting users points when they purchase something from the ecommerce store.
- Ability to purchase points for real money and pay for it using Paypal, Credit Card or any other means supported by ecommerce.

OpenDB Module

I was wondering if anyone has considered making an OpenDB ( ) module? I have a module written for another product (a Wiki CMS) but I'm no programmer and I would really love it if we could integrate the login's across those two sites. I think that the OpenDB would probably take care of a lot of the requests you have for an inventory system also (as most people seem to want to inventory media).

Thanks for listening!

Pre-Beta Preview of Image Tab

Use at your own risk. This is a preview of the Image Tab module I'm creating for Drupal. (The link to the file is in the post in my blog, as I don't know how to upload files here yet. There's a screen shot there too.)

Image Tab allows an administrator to have an extra tab for every node -- an "image" tab. From here, one can upload a new image, to associate one or more images with a node.

Associated images may be shown as thumbnails above or below a node, or only shown in certain types of nodes, as desired. Thumbnails may be configured to show a larger image on click (within the node, or directly to the image node). Soon, there will also be javascript support so that an active image will be replaced with a larger image of another thumbnail click (or even mouse-over event).

I wanted to make it easier for clients to upload images to be linked with content, without having to figure out tags or figure out how to do inline images or learn how to link an image node manually. The other modules are great, with more flexibility. This is not meant to replace them, but to add another option for users.

That's about it for now. It requires the image module, and allows other modules to borrow functionality from it, to give the user even more control over how images appear in a node. It's been developed in 4.6, so I haven't tested it in Head yet, so no guarantees.

There are about a hundred bugs right now, so this is not meant for use on a live site yet. (Although I am using it here at Digital Folk Art, 'cause I'm brave, and I'm the one writing it.)

Extend a node module

I'm a newbie here and trying to develop a module that extend node module so that my structure is consider as a node type. I have a few question to ask and hope to get some answer

1. When do i need to use _nodeapi() ? I notice there are hook_insert(), hook_delete(),... must I use both nodeapi() and those hook or I can use either one? Wat is the normal way of developing a module that extend node

2. I have this error

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\AnAServerFile\sports_comm\includes\ on line 1519.

I chekc out the location of the error and foudn this piece of code:

 * Format an attribute string to insert in a tag.
 * @param $attributes
 *   An associative array of HTML attributes.
 * @return
 *   An HTML string ready for insertion in a tag.
function drupal_attributes($attributes = array()) {
  if ($attributes) {
    $t = array();
    foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
      $t[] = $key .'="'. check_plain($value) .'"';
    return ' '. implode($t, ' ');

as you can see, i try to print the content of $attributes and it did print out thing, so what are the problems that could lead to this error.

3. When I try to create a node of this module i create, the Preview and Submit button doesn't work, where can I make correction.

Thank a milli


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