Use at your own risk. This is a preview of the Image Tab module I'm creating for Drupal. (The link to the file is in the post in my blog, as I don't know how to upload files here yet. There's a screen shot there too.)
Image Tab allows an administrator to have an extra tab for every node -- an "image" tab. From here, one can upload a new image, to associate one or more images with a node.
Associated images may be shown as thumbnails above or below a node, or only shown in certain types of nodes, as desired. Thumbnails may be configured to show a larger image on click (within the node, or directly to the image node). Soon, there will also be javascript support so that an active image will be replaced with a larger image of another thumbnail click (or even mouse-over event).
I wanted to make it easier for clients to upload images to be linked with content, without having to figure out tags or figure out how to do inline images or learn how to link an image node manually. The other modules are great, with more flexibility. This is not meant to replace them, but to add another option for users.
That's about it for now. It requires the image module, and allows other modules to borrow functionality from it, to give the user even more control over how images appear in a node. It's been developed in 4.6, so I haven't tested it in Head yet, so no guarantees.
There are about a hundred bugs right now, so this is not meant for use on a live site yet. (Although I am using it here at Digital Folk Art, 'cause I'm brave, and I'm the one writing it.)