This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

upload module


Iam a newbie to drupal, just now installed.

I dont know how to use the default upload module in drupal. I have setted the configuration of upload module and enabled them.
How to give a page to upload and hook that to upload functionality? do i need to create a page in html to upload, then how to link the upload button to upload functionality. Or do i need to download some other module.

Need: I have to allow some users to upload images(gif and vsd) into the database or directories. And also allow them to view all the images.

Using drupal and ?modules to create a dating site.

Has anybody seen or done a dating site using drupal and additional modules. I would like to create such using standard CRM software and module to add, chat, photos, and mostimportantly monthly subscription payment. Anybody have a suggestion?

how to display special message on logout... (using hook_user() ?)

I am developing a module, and I am trying to display a special bit of content upon user logout.

I know that upon user logout, this is called: module_invoke_all('user', 'logout', NULL, $user);

So in my module I've created a hook function: module_user($type), and checking for $type=logout

Now in that function I have tried displaying my special page with
print theme("page", $special_logout_message);
But that doesn't work.

Also tried drupal_set_message but that didn't work either.

Drupal developers in Russia

Sorry for posting here, but russian community website is down now and I this forum seems to be the best place for our needs.

We are looking for russian-speaking Drupal developers for some paid work. Configuration, installation and development of modules and so on.


mailhandler and freetagging

Now that freetagging will be in 4.7 core, I was wondering if the mailhandler module will support freetagging of content rather than what it does now which is to put content into existing taxonomy terms?


epublish + taxonomy quick start guide?

with minimum understanding about taxonomy as i did,
( )

how can i setup epublish for a very basic magazine web?

when i want to publish a new edition,
where do i create the content?
as story or pages or other??

then, how do i get all those content into one edition?



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