This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

role_theme module

Hi there

Taxonomy_theme didn't do quite what I wanted, so I hacked/cut and pasted together a module which will change the theme based upon the role of the current user. To my amazement, I got it working in 2 days. (up to this, my experience with php was limited to redesigning some php-based templates, and I haven't done any real programming since high school) Once I get this to a nice, releaseable state I have no intention of maintaining it. There's not much to it and most anyone should be able to figure it out.

    handy features:
  • can select a different theme for each role, including a "user select" theme which gives user selected theme precedence
  • you can "weight" roles, so that a certain role will take precedence over another when the theme is determined
    things to do:
  • make sure it's compatible with all other theme-selecting systems
  • figure out how hard it would be to remove theme selection section from profile pages of users whose roles have predetermined themes, and do it if it's not too hard.
  • clean up/comment code. oh man is it ugly.
  • optimize code
  • figure out which parts of the code is actually completely unnecessary (e.g. the parts of code that are left over from modules I cannibalized and don't really understand but haven't tested the module without yet) and get rid of them Module being developed... anyone else doing this?

Hello, forums,
I am currently almost complete with a simple module that integrates events and venues from with the event.module calendar. I am trying to get a cvs account so i can contribute it, but if i finish it I will post it online somewhere.

The purpose of this post is to see if anyone else visiting these forums is developing an module.

Please comment here on what your status is, etc. I'll post a link once I have a working site up.


StdClass question


I posted a couple of questions about getting a custom node created in an action and found the answer I needed here:

But I searched the API for "StdClass" and it doesn't show up. Is this a PHP thing or is there something I can look at to totally understand
where StdClass came from?

I'll carry on using it for now but I'd like to understand.


Add a node of custom type in action call


I have implemented some actions and when a particular action is activated by a workflow change ("Submit for evaluation") I
want to create a new node of type "evaluation" which has a field "evalstatus" which is set to "0".

I have no idea how to actually do this properly.
I tried doing a call to


This does put a new node into the node table but what is the correct way to make things propagate into my custom table?

module update to cvs:how to wirte form in table

the old code:

$rows[] = array (
  form_textfield(NULL, "foo_row->id", $row->foo, 10, 10)
$rows[] = array (array ('data' =>  form_submit("save") , 'colspan' => '11'));
$pager = theme('pager', NULL, 10, 0, tablesort_pager());
if (!empty ($pager)) {
	$rows[] = array (array ('data' => $pager, 'colspan' => '11'));
$output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
return form($output);

how to implement this use new form function?

acidfree test page...

I'm using W2k3, php5, mysql4 and apache2.

I just installed drupal and have everything working fine. I've set all of the general settings (with no errors), added/configured modules etc...

I dl'ed and installed filemanager, attachment, and acidfree.
filemanager installed/configured with no errors
attachment (same)
acidfree (same)

I run the acid free test and everything passes except 7.

System file path not properly set or permissions are not right (must be web writeable). Go to admin/settings to configure it.


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