This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Flexinode- "latest entries"

Would it be possible to code a block that shows the latest entries for a certain type of flexinode? Thanks for your help.

How to Create the SQL tables.

I want to install chatbox module in drupal.
But it says:-

1. Create the SQL tables. This depends a little on your system, but the most
common method is:
mysql -u username -ppassword drupal < chatbox.sql

How can i add sql table?? where i hav to go for this??
Plzz help me.

Newbie: Problem getting MENU_CALLBACK to work

I am writing a new module called mynode.module for learning the drupal system. The trouble is that I cant get the to get to generate what I want. I get a "Page Not Found".

My mynode_menu is as follows:

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function mynode_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();

  if ($may_cache) {
    $items[] = array('path' => 'node/add/mynode', 'title' => t('New node type'),
      'access' => mynode_access('create', NULL));
    $items[] = array('path' => 'mynode', 'title' => t('New node type entries'),
      'callback' => 'mynode_page', 
      'access' => TRUE,                  /* Allow access for anybody */
        'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);

  return $items;

I have coded mynode_page similar to blog_page_last() in the blog.module(basically, it generates last few posts of 'mynode' type). Still when I go to to get to generate what I want. I get a "Page Not Found" error.
What could be the reason that ?q=mynode is not recognized? Am I doing anything wrong in the hook_menu? How can I debug this?

Little bit background into what I did:
I started from page.module & changed it for mynode.module. In the process i created mynode_form, mynode_validate, mynode_insert, mynode_load, mynode_view as per documentation at 4.6 node_example.module

nodeapi view problem

I have this code in my googlemap.module file:

function googlemap_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL $page = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
     case 'view':	
      if (!$teaser) {
       $map = googlemap_single();
       $node->body = $map . $node->body;

It does what I want--it inserts the output of googlemap_single() at the end of $node->body.

Ecommerce Promotional Code

How do you implement a promo code feature?

A settings page where you can input a promo code?
A user box to input a promo code - which checks against the database which approves the discount...

I am just a novice... so please be nice :)

Session ID / User ID test php snippet

Just testing out some code... and learning php at the same time :)

  if ($user->uid) {
    print $user->uid;
	print " : This is your user ID";
  elseif ($sid = session_id()) {
    print $sid;
	print " : This is your Session ID";

This code should print out your UID if logged in or your session id if you are just a visitor.... right?

Why then if I pasted this in a page with php input, I always get my session ID but not my User ID when I'm logged in?


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