This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Report Writer, PDF creation and Export to Excel


We are doing development on AstBill is open source software licensed under the GPL and running on Drupal. We want to implement a open source Report Writer like Crystal Report and we want to be able to make PDF files and Excel files.

Is there anybody that can give advice on how to do this in Drupal.

We are also wondering if there is anybody that want to assist in this exelent Drupal project. It is an interesting combinating of Databases, Drupal and VOIP.

Client uploading images with enormous filenames, special characters, multiple spaces, etc. Can they hurt something?

I just took a look in one of my client's "images" directory and cringed when I saw they have hundreds of image files with names like:

Green Bubble Glasses $12.50s & $16L (268).preview.jpg

They are using the image module to upload files. During development, I gave them my standard file naming speech (all lowercase, no spaces or special characters, etc.) mainly because in the past, names like the above have caused me nothing but grief.

Opensearch implementation

It would be nice if someone could develop a A9 Opensearch implementation for profiles and other things.

This would be cool and i don't have the knowledge to do this.

Module teaser.module

Have been playing with 'Contaires' teaser.module and thought I should report how I managed to install and implement it.

First, the install doesn't have a teaser.mysql to support the modifications to the node table required for the module to function. You need to modify the table "node" and add the following six columns

teaser_title varChar(100)
teaser_link varChar(100)
teaser_weight tinyInt(4)
teaser_image varChar(255)
teaser_image_width tinyInt(6)
teaser_image_height tinyInt(6)

or in MYSQL

ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_link` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_weight` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_image` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_image_width` TINYINT( 6 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `node` ADD `teaser_image_height` TINYINT( 6 ) NOT NULL ;

Having done this the module installs successfully and users can now add nodes with extra teaser information.

Second, I then modified the module slightly so that the drupal coulmn node.teaser was also made visible as part of the node editing window. This will then allow you to modify the teaser text that drupal creates as standard - drupal chops first X chars of the content and puts that into the teaser field, but for our implementation we needed to have a customised input. I have altered the function "teaser_nodeapi", the changed function is listed below:

PROFILE_HIDDEN installation?

hello, im using the newest version of drupal 4.6.3, and i would like to use the Custom Ranks module what requires the PROFILE_HIDDEN patch. I cannot find out how to use or install the patch. Can anyone help me?

greetz grasn

Some pointers to CVS, please, to avoid me breaking something

I'm getting started on CVS, using Tortoise on Windows. I've been working on the trip_search module (excellent too), in order to add some new translations. I've spent a lot of time poring over the CVS documentation, but still find it a bit opaque in places - and anyway, one likes to take precautions when playing with other people's work!

I want to avoid working on the CVS HEAD since I assume that this is unstable (messages will be likely to change, so my translations will risk being unstable).


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