This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

weblink mod

This morning I’ve been playing around with the weblinks module, I’ve just been trying to find out where the title is defined, the line below appears in 3 different place in the mod. but when I upload the modified version I don’t see the change to the module I’ve flushed the cache and still get this problem…

Are the any other steps that need to be taken when uploading modules

Using a subdomain installation of Gallery2 (G2) with gallery.module

Hey folks,

I'm trying to use Gallery2 (G2) with Walkah's gallery.module. I want to install Gallery2 on a subdomain, e.g:, whereas my Drupal installation is in the root directory of the domain, e.g:

However, when I go to Administer / Settings / Gallery in Drupal. It doesn't seem possible to put a subdomain as the location of my Gallery2 installation.

_view hook


I'm trying to use the _view hook in module I called "links" (Drupal 4.4.1), but for some reason the function I created(links_view) is not called(I put echo "something" and it doesn't appear). Why it's happening?

Thanks in advance.

Glossar as language dictionary?

I am new to drupal.

Could the glossary modul be used to build up a language dictionary (german -english)?

Is there a way to import language- content?


Touch screen module

Is anybody busy with or has anybody developed a touch-screen (as interface instead of keyboard and mouse) module?

sections.module and CVS HEAD (soon to be 4.7)

Can someone tell me if the functionality of the sections module will be incorporated in 4.7 core or will this modules still be needed for users needing to support multiple sections and themes? I've been playing with CVS HEAD for a few days and I see no obvious ways to accomplish it. Also, FYI for anyone wanting to try it, the sections.module does not currently work with HEAD.


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