This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Minor mod to ecommerce module?

Hi all,

I have set up the ecommerce module for use with one of my drupal installations but I would like to change something.

If possible, I would like to change the text that reads 'admins store' next to the 'add to cart button' to something like 'my domain name' but keep the admin account as it is for use with blogs, stories etc.

Does anyone know if this is possible?



node finder module?

I am developing a module that wants to make a link to a page which lists all nodes by type and/or taxonomy term. E.g. click here & go to a page with all blog entries which have been categorized against the term "myterm". I'd like to integrate w/ an existing module that already does this.

To my surprise, I cannot find one. Is there not an existing "node finder" module that lets users select from dropdowns the type &/or taxonomy terms, then renders a page of matching nodes?

If not I guess I'll build it.

Modules for Drupal 4.7

If I will create some modules in last CVS version can these modules be used in Drupal 4.7?
How different is CVS version from Drupal 4.7?

Thank you for answer.

story and flexinode permissions

Hi all,

I made a change to flexinode.module adding in "edit all $ctype->name content" and modifying flexinode_access() so that when flexinode is a wiki page, anyone with this permission can edit it as opposed to just the creator of the page.

Drupal & flash

Can you post it some examples of integration flash into Drupal.

No User Picture in Flatforum


i have installed flatforum module and use the node-forum.tpl.php and template.php from

It looks very nice, but the Avatar (User Picture) is not displayed.

In the node-forum.tpl.php is a line <?php print $picture ?>

I use Drupal 4.6.3 and the actually cvs from flatforum.

Do you know what the mistake is?

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