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Personal Blog Entry to publish to more than one blog (internal and external)

I've done a lot of research and gone through most of the drupal site, so please bear with me. I'm a 100% newbie here, and I just launched my own community site using drupal.

I'm looking for/trying to make a module that lets users manage multiple blogs, on different servers.
For Example:
I have a blog on and Site)
I do not wish to 'import' my Blogger blog to my Drupal blog, I wish to have both running as mirrors.

I need to modify blog.module(or create a new module), so that each user can maintain a list of external blogs which he can publish to when he posts a personal blog entry on drupal.

This external publishing may be done by:

    1. A general method, for all blogs supporting the XML-RPC specification. [I have "no clue" how to do this]
    2. By simply e-mailing the personal blog entry when it is published to a pre-defined email address (set by the user, as the location of his external blog)

The second method would not be a general solution, but would solve the problem for "ALL" users trying to move towards Drupal. provides all its users with an email account of the type where they can simply email a blog post. This post is extremely simple, where the subject of the email is the email and the body of the mail is the blog entry.

Need custom module produced.

Here's what I need.

If you look at this page:

you will see that underneath each poster's name is a progress bar and a corresponding number of words. Members of this site are attempting to write a 50,000 - word novel in one month, and as they progress toward that goal, they have a field in their user profile where they enter the number of words they've written so far -- that's all they have to do. The script calaculates what percentage of 50,000 their number is and posts the progress bar to show how close they are to their goal.

I am running Drupal instead of Xoops, and my members often have word goals that are different than 50,000, but what I would like is:

A field in the user profile where users can input their current word count.
A progress bar that appears under their name (or somewhere else in their posts), showing how far along they are on the 0-100% continuum, along with the xxx/xx,xxx notation.
A section in the administration forum of my system that allows me to turn the ability to access this feature on and off according to individual posters or groups (taxonomy/access controls).
And a section in the administration forum that allows me to set the final word count that the user's word counts will be compared to at any given time (25,000 instead of 50,000, for example).


This file can be downloaded at

Any ideas for better handling?
Maybe the "access control" "anonymous user" rights should be implemented into this module.

It does following:

// $Id: robots.txt.module, v1.0

* @file
* Simple module to generate robots.txt

* Implementation of hook_help().
function robots_txt_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Creates a robots.txt at q=robots.txt');
case 'admin/settings/robots_txt':
return t('The following options allow you to alter the behavior of the robots.txt module.');

* Implementation of hook_menu().
function robots_txt_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();

if ($may_cache) {

$items[] = array('path' => 'robots.txt', 'title' => t('robots.txt'),
'callback' => 'robots_txt_output',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'access' => 1);


return $items;

* Implementation of hook_settings().
function robots_txt_settings() {
$output .= form_group(t('Edit robots.txt as usual'),
form_textarea(t('Promotion adjustment'), 'robots.txt',variable_get('robots.txt','User-agent: *'),10,5,t('Edit as usual with Disallow')));
$output .= form_group(t('Default Settings'),
form_checkbox(t('Disallow: admin/'),'robots.txt_admin',1,variable_get('robots.txt_admin',1),t('If enabled, indexing of admin directory is disallowed.'))

SMF integration.

I have looked for a search function but cannot find one so i could not search for any previous posts by other members.

Is there a bridge or talk of a bridge? (SMF Forums)

Thanx in advance.

google maps for nodes module

Hi everyone.

Sometimes location.module is a little bit overkill for some peoples needs. Here is an initial release of a google maps for nodes module. It essentially lets you tack on an address field, and the system will automatically lookup geocoding information for that address, and plot the point on a google map when the node is viewed.


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