This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

User Defined registration

Hi there, I'm wondering if it is possible that i can have 2 registration forms for 2 different types of users? And/or then set up a user role that displays different fields in the [My PRofile]

Is this possible? I have about 4 types of different users all together, I could get by with a basic email registration [Name], [email], [password] etc that would apply to all then the other four users would have some extra fields that would be for only them.

TinyMCE Base url problem

I've recently been evaluating using TincyMCE on my drupal site. I love the way that it works, but I'm having this problem with the base URL's for inserted images.

Basically from Firefox, when I go to edit a noe with an inserted image in the body, it keeps adding ..\ to the relative path. In IE it appears to not modify the image reference, but rather renders a broken link in TinyMCE.

I'm using an adjusted files location "files/sitename" rather than straight "files". I don't know if this is relavent to the problem.

File Library Module anyone?

My client is in the process of converting from a flat raw HTML based site to a Drupal powered site. One popular feature of the current site is the "file libraries", categorized repositories of shareware/freeware, and the clients own files. Before I undertake my own effort to build support for this, I was wondering if anyone has something similar that might work??



custom phptemplate tpl files for generic pages

i'm creating a customized homepage using the 'if is_front' logic described here:

my (home) page template includes most of the html, and my custom module (which is set to be the home/is_front value) creates several pieces of content that i want to distribute into the template using a simple 'print $someval' type of logic.

How do I get my module into the contribution tree?

I have written a module that I would like to share with others. It is a photo/video/media album that was written for drupal from scratch. I know, I know, there are already several other attempts at this, but I looked into them and none of them were even close to what is needed. I did not reinvent the wheel in this case because the other options could not be classified as wheels to start with. What I wrote is not another album hacked into drupal or simply an attachment turned collection of photos.

A question on MENU_LOCAL_TASK tabs

In the HOOK_menu function, I have added a couple of menu items as MENU_LOCAL_TASK type to be shown together with Node "View", "Edit". The tabs show well and work well in terms of response to click. However, the new tabs are not turned 'active' when click.
the 'View' tab is alreadys 'active' instead.

Kindly advise me whether I have missed out some thing to turn the 'active' tab switching on or I have done something to prevent it turning on.



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