This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Interesting Forum Problem: Thread Not Showing Up In Forum, But is Under "New Forum Topics" block

Here is my problem:

I've installed the forum module properly, I've created the containers and the forums. When I posted a "test" message, it shows up in the "New Forum Topics" block, but it doesn't show up under its assigned forum. I have uninstalled it and re-installed it... with no luck.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?


Please advise: How do I design my "dares.modules"

I need to design and implement a "Dare" feature to my site. As i'm new to Drupal Module development I like to learn how to go about this problem. Please note, I dont want codemonkeys - I can code it myself (already did that - just not under drupals hood), this will just be my first proper module for drupal, and I like to do it "the right way" :). I'll try to give as many details as possible.


This is what I have in mind - but it can be changed if there is a good reason to. This is just based of what I've already done on the old site, so my starting point is that.

I want my visitors to be able to send and receive dares. A dare is simple a text consisting of:

  • A title
  • Basic description: What to do, to complete the dare
  • Basic points: Points receiven when completed the "basic" dare
  • Advanced description/Points: Functionally - same as basic
  • Each dare is attached to a set of categories, defining what type dare it is
  • Users will only receive dares that match all these categories. (If visitor don't like doing HTML, they wont receive dares asking them to do HTML)
  • A User only receives dares from other users approved by her/him
  • A dare is only received once (no matter if the were completed or not)
  • A dare can be deliced or accepted
  • On completion of the dare, the challenger is asked to approve/declie if the dare was (partially) completed correctly. Doing this awards the target user with points. Eg. If user do what "basic description" asks, he will receive basic points. Doing advanced and basic, gives both basic and advanced points.

jsDOMenu usage

Hi there,

I am trying to fit the jsDOMenu module into a drupal package so that it becomes easy for people to create their own menu. After installing and setting the module, I realised that there is no none-coding way to actually create the menus, because the Java Scripts must be initialized in the HTML page.

Is the 'pid' in the url_alias table used anywhere?

The url_alias has a field called 'pid' which I assume stands for Path ID. Is it actually referenced/used anywhere else?

The reason I am asking this question is I have certain rows in my url_alias table in which the src is the same and the dst is different. This was caused due to me repeatedly fiddling with the pattern setting of pathauto and then bulk updating (with the retain old aliases enabled).

I want to delete the older aliases. I am not really concerned about breaking old links or aliases from outside. However I do not want to break anything from inside Drupal.

Module callbacks?

Is it possible to define callbacks for a specific module that can be used by other modules to modify module behaviour.

Specfically, I want to add some callbacks for the project module for creating and deleting modules. I then want to hock into these callbacks in another module (project_svn) to add/delete folders in a subversion repository.

Is this possible?


Drupal says there's a MySQL error, but phpMyAdmin does not

I have the following query that works perfectly in phpMyAdmin, but Drupal reports an error at the top of the page. What's weird is the resulting recordset data actually displays correctly within the page, yet Drupal complains nevertheless. Is there a way to satisfy Drupal or suppress the error? I have wasted two hours trying to make Drupal happy and rechecking (and rechecking and rechecking) my syntax. Needless to say this is freakin' annoying.


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