This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Simplenews question re web hosting limitation

My web host limits the amount of mail I can send in an hour (200). Is the Simplenews module equipped to deal with this limitation? I understand that cronjob handles all unsent mail in the "maximum send time" setting, but I'm not sure if this setting/feature addresses this limitation. (Incidentally, my site is set to run cron every hour.)

Thanks in advance! :)

Problem with GSiteMap or bot?


I have noticed since the begginning of this week, my bandwidth have been going crazy, it has took 4 gbs since the begginning of the week, which is really not normal, and my online users have been going up to 3500 to 4000 users. I click on Administer and it always gives me this error for a whole bunch of nodes.

taxonomy/term/445 not found. and when i click on details they give me this in the location field : /taxonomy/term/445?PHPSESSID=8c816fbb34e89ac29352a34d3c26dcb3

and this repeats for all kinds of different nodes.

RE: Administrator menu?

I seem to have goofed up.

I made the "navigation" menu viewable only on certain pages. Now I can't see it at all!

All I get is but when I select on anything under the menu, it doesn't show up!

Basically, I can't administer anything and lost the power to do so.

How can I correct this?


Navigation Menu placement

I'm in the process of updating some of our customised modules from 4.4 to 4.5 - but I can't seem to make the link appear in the users navigation menu.

I'm guessing the problem lies with the 'type' ? I'm not really sure what I'm doing at all to be honest - but any pointers would be very much appreciated.

I wish i was smarter :)

I can't access to "modules" from my administration panel : "administer/modules"


I have just installed drupal462.

I loaded the drupal base by using Webmin. I can see 55 tables in.

I modified the file : sites/default/settings.php in order to set the database URL and the base URL.

I run Drupal and logged in.

I went to administer/access control and I have (permissions, roles account rules). Into "permissions" I have 10 blocks mentionned bellow and I checked all of them for the authentificated :

file links in attachments wrong

the links being generated in are incorrect, and i can't figure out where things are going wrong

  return '<a href="/'. check_url(url($path, $query, $fragment, $absolute)) .'"'. drupal_attributes($attributes) .'>'. ($html ? $text : check_plain($text)) .'</a>';

returns the following:


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