This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

listing users by role

I need to create a listing of users by role.

The query to do this is simple:

SELECT users.*
FROM (users INNER JOIN users_roles ON users.uid = users_roles.uid) INNER JOIN role ON users_roles.rid = role.rid
WHERE = 'authenticated user'


SELECT users.*
FROM (users INNER JOIN users_roles ON users.uid = users_roles.uid) INNER JOIN role ON users_roles.rid = role.rid
WHERE role.rid = 2

New module's settings link not shown in admin

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can answer a quick question: I've created a new module and if I manually navigate to its settings in the admin area (for example, localhost/admin/settings/mymodule), I get the settings form fine. But in the admin menu, under modules/settings, my module's name isn't being listed. I thought that having the mymodule_settings() function would be enough for the admin to find it and display it, but apparently not? What else is needed for it to be shown in the menu?

Thanks very much...

Teaser formatting bug while displaying main page

I installed drupal 4.5 and i have been encountering problems when i post content that is enclosed withing formatting tags and longer than the length specified in the content settings ( the default is 600)

If i use any formatting like <em> or other tags then the teaser truncates the text upto 600 characters and posts it in the main page. The problem is that the TAG is not closed at this point and the remaining page is also generated where all the remaining teasers are displayed as if they have been enclosed in <em> tags.

Flexinode problem

I just installed the Flexinode module and I keep getting the following errors at the top of my pages:

warning: main( failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /webdocs/test/public_html/sandbox/drupal/modules/flexinode/contrib/ on line 4.

warning: main(): Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='') in /webdocs/test/public_html/sandbox/drupal/modules/flexinode/contrib/ on line 4.

where i get the xstatic module ?

hello ......
I seek the module xstatic.
I sought in the download module and the cvs but I did not find.
it is available?
thank you

Module for creating a dynamic drop down menu for Drupal

Hi to all!

I am currently trying to figure out how I can create a drop down dynamic menu for my drupal site...

I have a javascript menu (dropdown) running on my site which is would be greater if I was able to make it dinamic in order to present nodes/subnodes etc...

however this would be (easily) feasible if the xtemplate.xtmpl could accept php coding but it is pretty obvious that this cannot happen...

I am wondering this: from where does the xtemplate.xtmpl drill the {site_name} or logo or other info? which are dynamic!!!!!

Is it from modules?I want to createa php script (module) gathering all info about menu and call the rendered dynamic menu from my xtemplate.xtmpl like {dmenu} or something like this....

ANY IDEAS will be Appreciated...
Other drupal users will also be interested since Jsdomenu is not very flexible and it doesnt work as a cascading drop down menu

thx in advance

my current javascript works like this in the body section:

  • -->
    and it is converted to a menu by the javascript located in the head....


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