Hi to all!
I am currently trying to figure out how I can create a drop down dynamic menu for my drupal site...
I have a javascript menu (dropdown) running on my site which is great...it would be greater if I was able to make it dinamic in order to present nodes/subnodes etc...
however this would be (easily) feasible if the xtemplate.xtmpl could accept php coding but it is pretty obvious that this cannot happen...
I am wondering this: from where does the xtemplate.xtmpl drill the {site_name} or logo or other info? which are dynamic!!!!!
Is it from modules?I want to createa php script (module) gathering all info about menu and call the rendered dynamic menu from my xtemplate.xtmpl like {dmenu} or something like this....
ANY IDEAS will be Appreciated...
Other drupal users will also be interested since Jsdomenu is not very flexible and it doesnt work as a cascading drop down menu
thx in advance
my current javascript works like this in the body section:
and it is converted to a menu by the javascript located in the head....