Whether I use the menu link or go to the direct url /admin/modules doesn't show up. When I could get the page I have a new module that won't show up on the list so that I can enable it. It's _node_name, all function names begin with, and the name of the file is insurance. I'm stumped. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I have tried everything possible to try to find a way to insert the Google AdSense code:
if (module_exist("adsense"))
print adsense_display("120x600", 2, 4);
In my nodes, under the links, and didn't find any way to achieve it. I am using the BlueMarine template, so it is a .xtmpl and I do not want the AdSense in the trimmed versions. Can somebody help?
Thanks you,
I am also using the latest upgrade of the Google AdSense module.
Drupal is an awesome very clean cut content system. I prefer it to many others just for it's basic install layout.
I wish I knew how to write php code. I have an idea and if anyone can do it it probably would be a great asset to the drupal.org community. What if there was a webhosting module? So that users can signup and then have their own directory like http://drupal.org/yourusernamehere ? plus a hosting control panel for the admins to limit the bandwidth or space that could be offered?
I have just been getting stuck into the survey module. I created a nice form so that users on my site could submit articles by upload as an alternative to the usual 'type and submit' on one of the content nodes.
The reason for this alternative is, and I'm sure many of you will have had the same problem, because copying and pasting an MS Word file (which most users on my site use to compose their texts) onto one of the WYSISYG editors is like splitting an atom.