This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Taxonomy Access Control and Drupal v4.6.2

Drupal newbie here so please bare with me.

I've downloaded and installed the Taxonomy Access Control module but it doesn't seem to like v4.6.2 - or at least I don't see any obvious signs of the module's existence other than in Admin > Modules and Admin > Settings

I have enabled the module in both locations.

I have not installed the patch as it looked to me like the patch was intended for v4.5.X

How should this module work? I can't see a way to implement it.


certain functions make module not work

This is a stumper. I have a 2 modules which need to be enabled. One is online and enabled through admin> modules. However the second longer one, either causes the admin > modules page to display blank or not be accessible at all. Unable to go through any of the normal dumb things, I started a new module and have been copying functions over one at a time to determine which ones are causing problems. Below is one of the functions that will cause the module to jam up. It's so straight-forward I can't imagine why it's having a problem.

Modifying node->body in a module?

I'm working with the best way to place adsense advertising.

I've written a module to do it the way I want, and now I'm getting this error.

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/davidh/modules/adsense_inline/adsense_inline.module:52) in /usr/www/users/davidh/includes/ on line 224.

Another line reported is at line 192. I am using drupal 4.6.2 (so that you know where the line#'s point).

In both cases the header() function is being called.

Can someone help me understand how to avoid this error? The code for my module and some discussion follows.

How do i add Bidvertiser ads

Yeah i have bidvertiser ads, now how would i add them.. they are in javascript

Module Developer Wanted


I'm looking for an experienced module developer to write something for

Rough Spec:

Collecting time spent viewing a page / node

For a custom module I am developing, I am trying to find a way to capture the time a user spends viewing a node/page in real time. In this quest, I have been tinkering with the _init and _exit hooks - but that does not seem to be accomplishing the goal. Any ideas on how to accomplish this are greatly appreciated!


Radi Shourbaji


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