This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

module taxonomy_block install prob: user error: Table 'drupal.taxonomy_block' doesn't exist

Hi from a newbie to Drupal 4.6.2 Hope this is the right forum to post this.

I am just having a first go with the taxonomy modules. The taxonomy_block-4.6.0.tar.gz module is giving me this error:

user error: Table 'drupal.taxonomy_block' doesn't exist
query: SELECT * FROM taxonomy_block in /var/www/htdocs/includes/ on line 66.

This happens when updating http://localhost/admin/block
but the update has been done. (enable quotes and a taxonomy based block)

Form usage in modules, How ?

Hi There, i'm new member to the community. First of all i'd like to say that drupal and her surrounding community are great.
I searched the forums and the developer handbooks for a solution. But i could not find an answer to my question.

my Question:

Is there a simple tutorial or a code example which explains how forms work indside a module ? So how to setup a form an how to pass the variables en how to get the variables and use them.

I know how to do this in normal PHP, but i would like to know how it is done in drupal modules.

How to post taxonomy on Mailhandler module

I have tried sending my mail with the first line as taxonomy: [prices,email,network]
The first command line is actually stripped, but the taxonomy is not assigned to the node.
Any ideas?

Image Module - file uploaded but is not showing up - HELP!

I created my files directory, my images sub directory and my tmp sub directory.

The permissions are set to 777

I enabled the module.

I configured the module.

I tried to upload the photo, and it uploaded but I only get those darned red x's.

I check my server and the file did upload, the preview and thumbnail files were created, but they are not showing up on the site.

I am VERY frustrated.

Please help!


New module: Job Search

I just commited the brand new job search module.

It allows people with the appropriate role to post resumes, and/or post jobs.

Normally you would have two roles, employers/recruiters, and job seekers. The former can post jobs and view resumes, the latter can post resumes, and view jobs. You can also have taxonomies by region, or job field or both.

Search is provided for jobs and resumes.

PHP5 and Drupal 4.6.2 (and page_example.module)

I'm writing my first module that will generate custom content in a themed
context. Since the API documentation seems incomplete and spread out, I was
going to start with page_example.module v1.9 as a starting point since it
is a hello world instance of exactly what I want to do.

The problem is that it won't run in my environment (FC4 / PHP5 / Drupal 4.6.2).
The menu and auth hooks all appear in the proper locations, but the links that
it puts in the menus result in an empty page.


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