This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

List of Stable Modules?

I've been having a tiny bit of a problem with modules on Drupal :)
It seems that quite a few of them have the ability to muck up the core.
So I was wondering if anyone had any information on which modules were viewed as being stable? Or at least ones that, if unstable, won't crash the core?
The rather steep learning curve I'm facing with Drupal had been kinda steepened by having various modules backfire on me :)

2 good GPL apps to integrate or port as module to Drupal

I just came cross this 2 GPL PHP application.

They are fresh, light, good looking and work simple, good user interface and other good specs as alternative to Drupal ones (see links for detailed specs)

Lussumo Filebrowser - Image gallery

Flexinode is evolving very slowly

Hello everybody!

For example, this trouble was fixed quite fast after the last (at the moment) release, but we still don't have a new version with this fix (about 2 monthes already passed).

I'd like to take part in development of this module - it's GREAT but really NEEDS a lot of fixes and features.

Wrote a message to JonBob and a message to Killes but still don't have response.

Who can help me? I'm a contributor!

Why do some modules have to destroy the $node->body when they add their content?

I don't understand why modules have to destroy the $node->body when they add their output to the content.

What I mean, is when a module adds its output to the node by irreversibly merging the output into the $node->body, leaving no way for the theme developer to access the original "Body" (I am referring to default textfield, labelled "Body", where the main text of the story was entered).

A good example of this is how the upload module adds the attachments table to the node like this:

$node->body .= theme('table', $header, $rows, array('id' => 'attachments'));

The problem being, what if, as a theme developer, I want to separate the display of the attachments table from the text body of the node? Well, I can't.

Sure I can access the uploaded attachments by way of $the node->files array; so now I can theme that content by itself, but the original "Body" is completely unavailable in the $node object without the attachments table tacked onto it.

I used the upload module as an example, but there are many modules where this is a problem (e.g. image module, e-commerce module, the list goes on).

I guess here's how I think it should be (again using the upload module as an example):

  • $node->body should be just the the original node body -- meaning just the text that is actually in the field that says "Body".

upgrade path for modules?

I would like to change the database table for "nodewords" in the upcoming release. What is the standard way of doing this? I need to:

  • alter the table defnition (add a column or two)
  • migrate the current content into a new format

Do I just need to put the steps to do in the README.txt or INSTALL.txt, or is there a more automatic way?


webform - Browser problems

I installed the webform module and as you can see here I have a basic webform. My problem is that when the page is viewed in Internet Explorer the menu at the right of the page gets pushed down to the bottom however this does not happen when view in Firefox. I was wondering why, I don't have this problem with any other text areas on the site.

What could be causing this and how could I fix it.

Thank you
Sebastien Couture


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