I am currently developing a site i have written some custom modules for. These custom modules reference taxonomy terms for their content, but (pursuant to drupal structure, i believe) the menu callbacks in my modules prevent taxonomy_term_page from rendering said content. I would like to prevent the display of this content via taxonomy_term_page in the event that a user browses to the actual term url, as in site/taxonomy/term/term id. The reason being that if the user browses to the actual term destination, the callback is not routed to my module and is therefore displayed incorrectly.
As long as I have a callback in my module that generates content , I can disable the taxonomy_term_page callback and i get what i want if I browse to the actual term url, a page not found. However i am not sure that disabling the taxonomy_term_page callback is the best way to do this as i'd like to keep the core as true to a virginal install as possible. So, my questions arise in the following form:
1.) Is there a better way to prevent the display of term nodes in this case than disabling the callback?
2.) I am having a really hard time finding out where the value of the $str_tids param in the taxonomy_term_page function is being generated. I've printed it out, and because i am only working with one term in this case i get one term id. But where is that value coming from? I don't see a reference to arg() anywhere, so I'm lost as to where that value is being supplied. Also, I don't see a case in the function that handles $str_tids in the event that it is equal to the default param value other than drupal_not_found().