This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to use gsitemap?

I have downloaded the gsitemap module from and install it, but how to use it? I have install the mysql file and activate the module and also set permissions. Do I have to set an url in the navigation to mysite.xx/gsitemap or how will google find it so its useful??

I found no description, manual or how-to by using it with drupal.

greetings from germany, holger


Drupal 4.62 and nodewords don't work


I have upgraded my website from drupal 4.60 to 4.62 and I have the module nodewords. After I had installed the new version Node words don't work. There was written that drupal dont knows the function "drupal_set_html_head".

What can I do that Drupal 4.62 works with nodewords?

Thanks in advantage Christian

Simplifying the use of node_privacy_byrole.module

node_privacy_byrole is a cool module, but suffers from his complete lack of user-friendlyness. Users must choose the View/Edit permissions among a (eventually quite large) list of roles.

I wrote a patch that ease the use of this module by allowing default access rules to be defined in the administrative section. For each node, users can either select on of these default access or choose a custom access scheme.

On an UI point of view, there is now only a dropdown menu on the node editing page, which is much less confusing the the users.


I've posted the very first working revision of my webcomic management module to my cvs sandbox, and thoughts/feedback would be very muhc appreciated. Posting a new webcomic is much like posting an image, with the addition of a 'sequence' field that allows comics to be ordered arbitrarily.

Can't change default language

Default language only can be changed at "my account",
If correct it at "administer/localization", after press "save configuration",
it keep the same default English page.

Can it be changed like Theme, and changed right after.

Hope there are advisers guide us for this question.


webform: mysql to postgres

i'm running postgres for the db and want to use the webform module.

unfortunately it seems to be using some mysql specific calls, ie:

$result = db_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM {webform}");

can anyone help me to get this compatible with postgres?

if put the whole function below for reference:

* _webform_database_lazy_update - Lazy field adder for extra email fields
* The lazy update function adds any columns in the database that are not
* listed in its internal magic array.
* It was purpose constructed to add fields 'email_from' and 'email_subject' as part of the
* enhanced email patch.
* The function does not add or delete any data and the upgraded database is backwardly
* compatible with previous versions of webform.module
function _webform_database_lazy_update() {

$lazy_update_output = '';
$field_list = '';
$table_altered = false;

// {webform}
$required_fields = array('nid' => false,'confirmation' => false,'email' => false,'email_from' => false,'email_subject' => false);
$result = db_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM {webform}");

// Mark fields that exist in table as true
while ($record = db_fetch_object($result)){
$required_fields[$record->Field] = true;

foreach($required_fields as $field_name => $required_field){


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