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Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in an instant messager module for their drupal site. I've developed one that lets you store IM screen names in your personal profile info and then display online status. Currently it's only setup to display AOL/AIM names but it could be modified to include icq, msn, etc. Here's a demo of it if anyone's interested:
Can someone tell me please what lines in this file profile.modules are responsible for rendering
administrator defined form content ?
I have created a select box using the admninistration area /admin/setting/profile but now need to understand how this is generated as i would like to give an alternate radio format for this html structure
Does anybody know of module that would deal with Genealogy and creating family tree or is there any previous or current development done that would do this?
Hi. I am working on my first module which started as copy of node_example.module. I have successfully introduced a custom table and form, and data is inserted just fine via "create content". However I am not able to retrieve and/or display data from the custom node. I see the node title, but that is all. "View" and "edit" show the title, but not my custom fields. No errors either. I keep referring back to node_example.module. I've tried to make only minimal changes in my module since this is a learning process. The results are the same whether I am authed with admin privileges or authed with normal privileges.
Suggestions specific to the problem above would be greatly appreciated. However what I would like even more is a brief tutorial for the beginner on how to debug a module because I've yet to come across useful debugging techniques, and I've read a lot of documenation and I've searched the forums. I have yet to figure out how to print the value of a variable at a given point in the code, or to print a message to let me know a certain code point has been reached. For example I'd really like to "step into" my module's version of hook_access so I can verify what is going on by examining the variables, etc.
I have encountered tidbits of information on drupal_set_message, but not enough to make it do anything at all as far as I can tell. I'm not even sure if it is in the ballpark of what I need.
I'm new here. I'm not sure this is the correct place to post. I just wanted to let somebody know that in the event module in the file event.module, in the function event_calendar_data, the following SQL:
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql('SELECT DISTINCT(n.nid) FROM {event} e INNER JOIN {node} n USING (nid) WHERE n.status = 1 AND ((e.start > %d AND e.start < %d) OR (e.end > %d AND e.end < %d) OR (e.start < %d AND e.end > %d)) ORDER BY e.start '), $first, $last, $first, $last, $first, $last);