This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Module idea: Auto date taxonomy

I have an idea for a module. Before I start working on it, I thought I would ask if others thought it was a good idea.

My idea is that when you create a node it would automatically tag it with a taxonomy term for the current date (this would be configurable whether it would be a tag for the day, week, month, or even year of creation). If this term did not exist it would create it. Probably it would optionally also automatically create a URL alias along the lines of "/viewbydate/June_2005" where viewbydate would be a custamizable string.

Writing some drupal code to allow a user to select an emotion/smiley icon

Hi Folks

I have found a couple of modules on the site which i thought might form the foundation for what i wanted to acheive. (previous posts...

The forms modules appears to offer some radio selection functionality but i can't see how to this modules once it has been activated and there is no documentation
to help. As for the smileys modules this appears not to work after activation,

Ldap module w/Active Directory

I was unable to get the ldap working with the latest version of drupal. I have been creating my own. I have ldap working and the ability to return if a user exists and verify the password. The problem I have is how do I create a user in drupal in PHP? I looked at several other modules and the code looks like below:

adding additional account information

Hi Folks

I am currently looking at writing some drupal code that will allow a user on his 'account information' page
,ie Home > user account > Paul, to select an emoticon icon that will be attributed to his account and will be displayed
at various positions on the page such as under Online users.

Can anyone offer any guidance in getting started in particular

1. How is the various content on 'account information' page generated
2. For example how/where would i find the code that generates the Online users content.

New Module: User Points

A new module, User Points has been uploaded.

Users gain points when they post info to the site, such as posting a node, commenting on a node, or voting on a node.

The site admin defines how much points a user gets on each event.

More on the User Points module.

New Contributed Module: Node Vote

I just created a new project for the Node vote module.

It allows users with the appropriate role to vote of nodes, assigning each a score from 1 to 10. By design, users do not see the score for a node untl they have voted but that could be changed if needed.

More in the Node Vote module.


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