This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

hook_access() problem - I think

Hi guys, I'm a bit of a n00b at this but I hope you can help.
I found drupal about two weeks ago and have used it to create a site (almost ready) but I have a problem with some Modules I've created. My users can create new content but they cant edit their own content, you need node admin to do it. What have I done, my module is based on story and everything works fine except that user CANT edit nodes they have created with my modules (originals modules work fine like 'page').

here are my permisions lines in the review module, do I need something else?

Hacking blog.module for permalinks

I have been trying to implement permalinks of style (/blog/2005/04/my-post-title) instead of /node/234 for the blog.module, with little success.

Firstly, this can be achieved using the 'pathauto' module. The problem with this approach is 'pathauto' module generates a url alias for each blog post. The url_alias table is read as a whole for every HTTP request. This means if there are 300 blog posts, then 300 rows will be read for each request from the database! This is inefficient.

theme('node', $node) returns partial formatting


I am trying to print the latest story from my "news" taxonomy to my front_page. The story prints, but it is only partially formatted. The "posted by" ("div class=posted") is not a link and contains the wrong user information - it says the poster was "Anonymous", when it is not. Also the story content is not printing in a "p" tag, and the feedback links are not printing. Here's the crux of the function:

function printNewest ($type, $limit) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM node n WHERE n.type = '$type' and promote = '1'
ORDER BY n.nid DESC LIMIT $limit");
$node = db_fetch_object($result);
print theme('node', $node);

From the front_page I pass in the value of 'story' for $type and the value of '1' for $limit. I get one story back, and it prints, however as I said it's only partially formatted. I feel like I am either missing a step somewhere or the query is wrong, but I can't figure it out as my experience is limited. I've read the relevant module dev articles but I can't seem to put my finger on the problem. The code is in an enabled module. Here's the link to my development directory:

The story is there on the front page. I'll try to see if the code works better within the front_page textareas, but any help or insight would be very, very welcome. This is using the phpTemplate engine.

Thank you,

Old Weblink module still functional?

I apologize if this is the wrong place for this, but I'm curious: has anybody tried the old (4.5.x) Weblink module with a Drupal 4.6.0? The new Weblink module has removed almost all the functionality of the old one, so I would like to go back if possible.


What ever happened to user taxonomy?

Or was it "taxonomy user"? I remember seeing something in CVS right around 4.3 or 4.4 that automatically tagged user-contributed content with a taxonomy term generated from their username. This enabled a simple, universal way of tracking each user's content. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but I didn't have any kind of use for it. When I look back in CVS, I can't find it anymore.

ReBlog / ReFeed

Over at they have a wonderful aggregator called refeed that is being used as a reblogger tool. There is a reblog plugin for a few popular blogging tools like Wordpress, Movable Type, etc.


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