This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.


hi everybody,

i Know already about the PAM_Module from Mirek what works for the older version drupal 4.1....

i look for a new Module for auhenticate my users via PAM which i need because all my userLOGIN-infos are organised with Kerberos.
that means i authenticate on the server or even better would be directly at Drupal via PAM-Kerberos.

Modifying the title of "Title:"

I'm createing a module that provides a new node type. I'm working the hook_form and even if I leave it empty (output nothing) there is a "Title: ____" field in the node creation form. This is fine, and I understand that this field updates the node.title field, but I'd like to change how it is visually represented. I would like it to read "Business Name: ____". Is this possible?


Proposal: merge book and taxonomy modules

The problem

One of Drupal's biggest wekanesses, at this point in time, is its lack of support for a basic hierarchical site structure. At the moment, there are two main modules that handle the structuring and classification of content on a Drupal site: the Book module, which organises content into a nested hierarchical structure; and the Taxonomy module, which classifies content according to terms from various vocabularies.

Aggregator Changes

I am looking to use drupal as a RSS Management System. I have looked at the aggregrator module and would like to know how difficult it would be to change it so every user can create their own feeds and have their headlines emailed to them each morning. Can someone provide a time and cost estimate and whether this is possible with drupal?



email me at autonomous at mutualaid dot org

Gallery Remote module

What would you say to Gallery Remote support for Drupal's built-in image.module galleries? I put together a module that implements the Gallery Remote APIs, allowing Drupal to pretend to be the Menalto Gallery application, using Drupal's native storage and management of images.

Swearing Module

I've looked hard and the doesn't seem to be one (which surprises me) so I'm going to be working on one as I need one for my site to keep it suitable for all ages. I'm happy using PHP and I'm getting there with Drupal. This will be my first module so and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Here's my current thinking (it may not be the right option):

1. Administrator enables filter module
2. Administrator adds words to the filter which are removed any time they are met when a person adds a comment or a node to the site.


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