This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

get a list of user-"objects"


is there a way to retrieve a list of users (e.g. an array filled with things like the global $user, but one entry for every user available in the database?

i could use plain sql queries on the user and profile tables, but i would prefer a more portable way to accomplish this. Any ideas?


PHP Block Module


I add a php block in the admin menu and It works. How can I create a local module (for downloading)?
The below-mentioned php code generate an error "Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in" in the admin section "modules":

$block['content'] .= '
... PHP block content ...

Multiple User Types In Drupal

Hi all,

I am currently facing a minor problem in my website development and I was hoping someone on this forum could provide some guidance.

I would like to have two distinct types of users on my website: members and publishers. These two user types will need to fill in different information on their user profiles - in addition to being assigned different roles. For example, for members I would be interested in their age, but for publishers, I would be interested in their Company Name.

Event calendar links missing field

I am new to Drupal, but am really impressed with the ease of use, good OO nature and elegance of the code and clean look and feel.

I have a problem, though, with the Event/Calendar module. I install it and enable it so that the calendar appears in a side block. However, when I click on the month at the top of the calendar or a day on the calendar where there is an event, I only get a Home >> Events page with two drop down lists. There is no calendar that is displayed in the middle/main column. From one standpoint, the problem is that on the URL, I get index.php?q=event/2005/05/05 (for example). If I append the '/month' on the end, then I do see a month calendar displayed. The problem is similar for clicking on the individual day in the block calendar on the side - there is no '/day' on the end of the URL. Also, selecting anything from the drop down boxes when there is no calendar displayed on the Home >> Events page will not display any of the calendars. I have to explicitly put the '/month' or '/day' or '/week' at the end of the URL.

I am looking into the code and have found a workaround for the month header in the calendar in the side block. I just append '/month' or set $view to "month" and then append '/' . $view to the end of the $headertitle when it is being created. Is this kosher? Am I missing something in all of this? This seems so close, but little things like this will be huge to a new user.

using profile information in other modules


I'm currently working on a module that allows users to create labels ready for printing. It should create labels with the snail-mail address of the community members, so that they can be used for paper mailings.

For now, a label definition contains a user defined sql statement, and a layout definition that uses special markup to be replaced with the properties that are retrieved with the sql statement. e.g.:

query : select name, mail from user

where is core.php

I have been looking through the Drupal code and have been trying to understand how it ticks. I understand the way that the hooks works, but do not understand where the base definitions are kept. I have been going through each of the files in my Drupal installation and do not see a definition of each of the hooks, except for init and exit. Where is this kept? How is it restricting which hooks are implementable?


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