This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.


Hi, is there anyone who got a solution for the broken article module...

When I installed it whent all good, but when I try to write an article it does not appear in my menu...

flexinode tab presentation

I'm trying to think of how to best do the following:

Main Page / Wikipedia like module

I'm slowly getting familiar with the modules and what can be accomplished.

Is there a module ideal for a display like the Main Page of Wikipedia ? For example:

Each day brings you a new Featured Article, Selected Anniversaries, News, and a "Did You Know?" section.

HTMLarea Installation Problem!

Greetings all,

I have been trying to install the downloaded Htmlarea WYSIWYG editor module (for Drupal 4.6) but haven't had much luck. As a matter of fact, I guess the module is getting installed properly, but when I unpack the Xena (downloaded from in the Htmlarea module directory (as indicated in Htmlarea install.txt file), trouble begins. As soon as I go to any page with a text field, drupal/browser throws up an error saying:

user defined password on registeration


Is it possible that users define their own password during registeration. How do i do that. i am not a coder i ll be happy if someone can help me...


Is there a hook for watchdog?

Hi! I'd like to customize logging information by acting upon log entries as they happen, or perhaps even have the system email me on specific kinds of log entries as they happen. Is there a hook for this kind of thing so that I could write a module to do it?

I browsed the list of available hooks but I don't see any that apply. Did I miss one, or is this not possible with the current hooks available?



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