This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Attachment module and 4.6

I am puzzled: it seems like the attachment module was working fine with 4.6 a little over a week ago and now it can't upload files. (I've filed a support request but haven't heard anything back, so I'll see if someone in the forum area knows anything). The core upload module and the image module both upload fine, so Drupal seems to be handling uploads fine. However, with filemanager and the attachment.module I get the following message when I try to "Add" a file to Drupal:

Quite A Few Bugs

It seems that the modules in general for this release have quite a few more bugs than I noticed in the past... Maybe something needs to be done about testing these modules ahead of the release in an organized fashion?

Module database upgrade handling

I'm working on a recipe module that is based on the existing recipe module. However, the fundamental table structure is significantly different.

What would be the most effective way of providing this conversion? I'm new to working with Drupal, and I'm a little suprised that "update.php" doesn't handle module updates too.

The conversions requires some logic from PHP, so it can't just be an SQL file for the user to run.

Best way to find top level parent of book page?

In my module I need to find the top level parent of a book page. That is, the parent of the parent of the parent (etc) with parent nid == 0. Right now I'm using the book_location() function, but I would be interested in seeing some SQL magic to do it one query.


file uploading problems

I'm having issues trying to upload files to drupal. I put a file_check_upload in there to see if it was making it that far in the file_save_upload and it is. I can't seem to figure where I'm going wrong. I have a deadline in couple hours and I'm trying to get this solved before then.

Heres my upload code. Like I said before, the file uploads to the server properly, but it doesn't make it through file_save_upload and I don't know why. This is my first project with drupal, so take my ignorance with a grain of salt ;)

Whats Wrong? (New Tab in my account)


if i call any user/uid/view there are 2 tabs - view and edit.

i wanted to creat one more but tried a lot without success.

any1 can state whats wrong with that ?

if (arg(0) == 'user' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
  $items[] = array('path' => 'sb70/pwedit/'. arg(1), 'title' => t('Password settings'),
      'callback' => '_sb70_newpw', 'access' => user_access('administer users passwords') || $user->uid == arg(1), 'type' => MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK);




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