This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

printing "<select>" names from $_GET["edit"]

i could able to get the value from the textbox on $_GET[edit] .

But how to get the "name" from the
i could able to get the value but not the name of the

fileupload module : Error Missing argument fileupload_form

Missing argument 3 for fileupload_form() in fileupload.module on line 72
line 72 is function fileupload_form(&$node, &$error, &$param)

Maintain seperate lists of files based on taxonomy? Ideas?

I would like to be able to create a node that contains a list of files (with their titles from the attachment module). The real trick: I want uploaded files (.pdf in this case) to automatically display in a certain list based on the taxonomy term that is assigned to that file (files with a taxonomy of "planning" would display in a table on the "planning files" book page; files with a taxonomy of "assessor" would appear in a table on the "assessor files" book page.

access about a node


I'm developing a new module and I need to create different access levels for it.

I'm trying to say that my module will have some fields for the users and others only for the administrator which will be hidden for a common user.

How to do it?

Thanks in advance

Simple Form-Problem


there is a little problem and i'm new with module programming for Drupal.

I've made a Form with form_textfield, form_submit and created it with form.

e.g. like that:

$form_c .= form_textfield('Year','project_year','', 4, 4, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
$form_c .= form_submit('Submit Data','project_check', NULL);
$page_content = form($form_c,'post', NULL, NULL);

i can't read out after submitting the values from the textfields. they are named by drubal edit[project_year] and now i can't read in my Script $_POST['project_year'].

Nodeapi hook load()

i tried to use nodeapi hook for the code below. when i browse to the create content of any node, i could see the ***** output from nodeapi_form but i couldnt see the database values from the nodeapi_load(). what's wrong with the code?


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