This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

only some nodes want autopath


I really like the autopath module, however I don't want to use it on all of my nodes just some. Is there a way to make it only create a path on say 'page' node types?


Mr Maggoo

batch image upload

I'm using the image module on my site - it rocks.

However, I'd like to be able to upload a batch of images at once, does anyone know of a module that makes this possible?

(apologies if this should have gone in the general discussion forum - it seemed sufficiently module specific to get posted here)



Google Adsense Module

I am trying to get Drupal configured fully for a switch from php-nuke to drupal, but a big thing that I'm having a problem with is Google Adsense. In php-nuke it was a sinch to put the javascript code in a block.

I'm working on creating a module for drupal that would let Google Adsense work, but because javascript filled blocks is dropped entirely from page created dynamically, this just isn't possible.

Anyone know of a way to get this to work properly? I've tried searching the forums but maybe I'm missing something.

Accessing $user->session

How do I access the variables that are stored in $user->session? They got converted (serialized) into something that when I do print_r looks like
[session] => client_type|s:6:"WinIE6";sClient_type|s:6:"WinIE6";iIframe|i:1;

(And so on... I have a complex array in there.)

When I run unserialize($var) on it - it returns an empty string.

Proposal: contest module

I've been putting together a site in drupal and have run in to the need to have structured contests. At first I thought that I could just create a forum and each topic could be a contest, but doing it that way is way to loose - I need to be able to set restrictions and other rules. I come from a Perl background and look forward to writing some PHP for the fun of it. So, here's what I would like to have, any comments are welcome...

Purchasing Group

hello drupal world,

a quick idea/suggestion from a newbie...

I was wondering about adding a "purchasing group" option to product.module (not only, but let's start easy).

Writing "purchasing group " i mean :

a. the possibility of buy a pdt/service together with a group of person that share the same commercial interest in it
b. the possibility to offer pdt/servicex to gruops, indicating the min/max number of orders wanted and other functions.

I actually did something like this in the portal i manage (wich will be soon migrated to Drupal), and i think it has a great "viral power" for web communities; on the same time it colud be a great tool to help people (expecially who really need it) getting a good or service at reduced price (as scale economy suggest).

It would be great for me to contribute to Drupal starting on this subject (in Italy we use to say: "late is better then never").

Unfortunately, as a dummy user, i cannot be very usefull alone with my "machine", nevertheless i'm sure some of my skills could be useful to contribute to the goal.
I'm discovering Drupal since few weeks, so please be patient if this feature already exist or if my suggestion could sound "not clear"; in the next (hoping) few weeks i'll be a bit more skilled about Drupal and probably i could do more to support the idea.

If anyone is interested, please give advice!



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