This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Image Upload

I'm building a custom module, how do I make a file field that uploads a JPEG into the file system? and then displays this image on the node? I've written a custom theming function so it needs to be compatible with that.

I'm using 4.5.1 on a postgres database.

Any ideas?


Mr Maggoo

Willing to pay for custom module development

I need a custom reviews and ratings module done

I am in the Request For Proposal stage. My requirements are:

  • ability to rate the node under different criterias and the ratings form should be appear above or under the comments form for better usability. see for what I am talking about.

  • ability to sort (desc or asc) node summaries according to: node with latest review/ratings written, node with highest average ranking, node with most ratings/reviews, node with most pageviews. The resulted sort should also be in a tabularized form, organized as title, pageviews, overall average rating, date posted and a summary of the latest review. See for the sorting function and tabular display I am talking about.

  • A simple search area where one can search through the reviews by their criteria and return results displayed similar to above.

  • The detailed/full page of the node that is being rated/reviewed should have the all the different criteria ratings displayed at the top and each poster's rating displayed next to the comments after the story. see for clarification

  • Main reviews page should be in directory format. see

Submitting an update

I have just added the ability to list the options of a profile field if the field is given but a value isn't to the profile module.

For example, right now /profile shows all public user information, /profile/profile_school shows a blank page and profile/profile_school/Miami University shows all public info on users for that school. I have written the code that allows a list of all possible schools to show up.

Extend Profile.module to support read-only fields

I'm developing a site for a small software company (selling and supporting GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software). The site will be a community site where users of the GIS software can exchange scripts, place questions in the forum etc.

Why do I need 'read-only' fields in the profile module ?
One important request of the company is to be able to put the license information of the user's software online. This is just some text with the license codes and some more info. The support folks get a lot of questions about the license codes (esp. with upgrades) so a place where the customer can retrieve these online would be very handy. The only catch is that the current profile.module does support private fields but no read-only fields. Only an admin should be able to edit a 'read-only' field.

How to add a 'read-only' field option ?
There are several ways of implementing this. I've thought of:

  1. Using flexinode to define a 'license node type' and the access-control features to limit access to this file. But this is quite cumbersome. I could code a php block to show a link when a user is logged in. It can be done, but not within my limited resources.
  2. Build a module that integrates with the user account pages like notify.module and contact.module. Bu I think this is a bit overkill for such a small feature.

CVS account taking a while

About 1 week or 2 weeks ago I applied for a CVS account, is this normal time to wait? When can I expect CVS access to add a module?



Aggreator does not see enclosures

I know their has been work to get the regular Blog post etc to recognize enclosures. But we are making a tech podcasts feature site and using the aggreator to pull all of the participants content. Is there a plan to add enclosure recognition on the aggregator side of the house.

This is another opportunity for Drupal to shine but it's aggregator again is not keeping up with the times.

Sites like bloglines etc have already added it. I understand they are a different model but a well designed drupal site could do the same thing.


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