This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Search improvements for drupal-4.5.2

I have created a patch to bring the search improvements from HEAD to drupal-4.5.2. Thanks to pyromanfo who has done all the work and created the patch for drupal-4.5.1.

See this thread on search improvements and the patch file.

search.module and stripping bbcode


I noticed that the search.module does not parse out the bbcode from bbcode module. I was able to easily fix this in the search.module, but was unsure for which module to file the bug? Obviously, you don't want contributed modules changing core modules, yet core modules may not be aware of all contributed modules. Anyway, let me know which module to file the bug for and I will submit my most likely overly simple regexp patch.


Event notification

I am currently creating a simple module to notify me about upcoming events.
I would however like some feedback to whether I should make it really small and simple, or if I should enable a lot of settings and options.

Change Members Listing Page Title

Hi All,

Can anyone point out how I can change the "members" title that appears when looking at my members modules. In other words... on page.....?q=members the title shows up as "members". Now far be it from me to pick on grammer and such, but how can I change that to "Members" or "Monty's P's Flying Circus" or anything by "members".

I dug around in the members.module file and could only find a title spot in an array but that appears to alter the Link in the menu.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!


front_page and php code?

Can anyone tell me if I have to do somthing special to insert php code in the text areas for the front module?

I have the module working great! Untill I try to put some basic php code in it. I have tried...

echo "Some Random Text";

And nothing shows!



How to disable HTMLArea in FeedBack module

Hi everybody,
as you can see on
the feedback module works great, but I don't want it to work
with HTML Area (which I like for the other editing tasks...)

Do you know how I can disable HTMLAREA for the text field of the feedback module?

Tnx in advance!



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