This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Most recent images block

I think this would be really cool, and I don't know how to write it myself. It is almost like the "Most recent comments" block, instead I would like to have a "Most recently added image" block (or something along those lines) where the block shows the thumbnail of the newest image and links to it's node. If there is one already, please tell me; if you can help me to make one please tell me also. Thanks.

Creating Upcoming Events module from Select Taxonomy MYSQL question.

Hey I'm modifying the Upcoming Events block so that it only shows content from a select Taxonomy.

This is the original code
$result = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.status, n.moderate, e.* FROM {node} n ". node_access_join_sql() ." INNER JOIN {event} e ON n.nid = e.nid WHERE n.type='event' AND ". node_access_where_sql() ." AND n.status = 1 AND e.start >= $time ORDER BY e.start",0,$limit);

I tried modifying by adding another JOIN to query the taxonomy table, but there is a flaw in my MYSQL.

recent posts in navigation...

I have seen my question asked numerous times in the forums, one way or the other, but never answered. Is there any way to remove the 'recent posts' link from the site navigation menu? Yes, you can disable the link in 4.5 and have it disappear, but when you type the URL 'yoursite/tracker', tracker is still accessible. I want the functionality of tracking individual posts on user to user basis withut being overwhelmed by every post available on a site. On active sites, such a link is simply useless--information overload. Also, I prefer Tracker to Workspace. Any suggestions?

problem with forum.module

i found a problem with forum.module that causes problems with postgresql (v7.4.1). basically the IF function appears in two sql statements with non-boolean arg types... pgsql v7.4.1 is strict about boolean type casting, so it fails to execute the full query.

is there a forum.module developer out there? if i can get a bit of help with the code semantics, i should be able to fix the problem.


Show Post Count On Comments?

Dear Drupal,

Greetings, I was wonder if one of the already available modules (or maybe one in the works) would be able to show Post Count for registered users. Hopefully someone within the comment/node posted, if not even in the profile.

syndicate needs a settings page...

i need a settings page for syndicate with a form to limit the number of items for the rss feeds for each feed, with unlimited option. i'd like to feed the data into flash, sothis would be a great addition. this way, people could make many flash-based blocks to display the data without deeply writing a module each time.
any suggestions to patch the syndication module are also welcome for this issue. thanks guys!


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