This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

howto: create module: on enabling: its content will be displayed on home page

Hello All,

I wanted to create a simple module
On enabling it, will display the content on my home page below the site mission.

Please guide me how to develop the same.

eg: I want to develop a scroller in javascript which will be displayed on the homepage only.

1) develop a module scroller
2) enable the module
3) will display the javascript content on home page.

Thanking you for your support

rushabh shah

Extending the path.module

I've written a patch to path.module that auto-generates path aliases - see - but has now decided to move it to a module.

This module should do it's work after the user has pressed preview or submit, but before validation. As I understand it, there is no hook for this. So the best place seams to be the nodeapi 'validate' hook. Correct?

Taxonomy_access cannot prevent post?

I find that taxonomy_access cannot restrict other roles from posting. Is it the case?
i.e. A person X doesn't have the right to view, update and del on taxonomy_access role R but still can post to area with R.

phpBB integration

First of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with Drupal. It has a lot of great features and runs well on my server. Keep up the good work!

I've done a search in the forums and know this has come up before, but I wanted to know if anyone is working on writing/merging phpBB as a module for Drupal?

phpBB also seems to set the standard for forums (Free ones anyway) and an awefull lot of people use it. I have yet to frind a free one that rivals it in features and performance. vBulleten and Invision Power Board are the only two I have found that come close or beat it and they both cost money.

I understand that people are reluctant to write it into the CMS itself. I've had a discussion about it in another forum. However, I'd still like to see something done for those of us who use it and want to use Drupal.

I don't mean to criticize, but the forum module that comes with Drupal is wholely inadiquate for large complex forums and lacks many features (even if you install notification, post count, and other contrib modules).

I am currently developing a site in Drupal but need to keep my forums as they are. For the time being I have deactivated user registration in Drupal and shut off some of the features like commenting and set others to allow input from unauthenticated users (not a good idea I know).

Wish Module

Well I got a wish and since a lot of people always have wishes I thought about a module which is actually similar to a shoutbox but then limited here is an example. I call it the wishout. Most visitors dont got much to comment but I ams ure they always have wishes.

have a look, tnx ;)

Links in a page

I have a block page that needs to have links to itself using varaibles, i.e., mypage.php?pg=2, 3, 4 and so on.
I've tried:
?q=node/64/pg=2 and
?q=node/64/mypage.php?pg=2 and several other link strings that don't work.

Any suggestions? my first question to this forum - a forum search didn't help.

Thanks a bunch...


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