This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Total Users hack

I've benn made a hack to show the total registered users in the who's online block.

1. Modify the line (approx.) 552, and add below $guests = db_fecth....

 $somos = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT COUNT(uid) AS count FROM {users}'));

2. And now, change the output format conditional block (line 556 approx.) to:

Custom style for a page.

I recently posted on these forums regarding the creation of XML. I have been able to output the XML as I need but would now like Drupal to style my document accordingly, parsed as XML by the browser.



..I've a couple of ideas as to what might be happening but I'm reluctant to share them as I'm not convinced that they'll make any sense.

search module isn't working.

i have a problem.only one problem.if this will ok.i will be very happy.
search engine isn't working.i am searching something in news or blogs or story but search engine can't find.

Search Results
Your search yielded no results.

what i will do?

please help.


Best technique for displaying all flexinodes of a certain type?

I'm wondering what the best way to do this is:

I have a flexinode type called 'Record Release' that consists of: Title, Image, Format, Release Date, Description

I want to have a page node that lists all the 'Record Release' nodes but only shows the 'Title' and 'Image' fields as a link to each individual 'Record Release' node. This page would look like:


Record Releases

- Image1 Title1
- Image2 Title2
- Image3 Title3


click on 'Image1 Title1' and get the node for Title1, something like:



the Postcard.Module: How do I setup a "View Postcards" permission option?

Hi Alex,

Thanks for contributing the postard module. It's truly excellent. Nice one.

A quick question:

a) How do I "re-qualify" POSTCARD nodes so they can be accessed by users not logged in and non authorised users when ACCESS CONTENT is switched off in USER - PERMISSIONS?

as an example...let's say I send a postcard to an unathorised user...they won't be able to view the postard if I have switched off access content in the permissions page. Similarly..if an authorised isn't already logged in..they cant view the postard until they log in...

Drupal anti spam comment solution

Hy Everybody,
I was looking for an alternative to bayesian filtering and came across scode for MT.
However I didn't find any working solutions for drupal so I made one myself.
It is pretty ugly, because I don't know squat about drupal modules.
If somebody could help me out turning this into a proper module I'd be more than glad:


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