This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Wanted: module maintainers

Use one of the following modules? Have (or want to develop) some Drupal skills and want to help out? I am looking for help maintaining these modules:

You could either:

OG module not using/allowing table prexes

I could not find who is developing this new module in CVS but I tried to test it out and seems like table prefixes were not adhered to as just had sql errors in all db queries.

I have an install using prefixes in drupal you see.

This seems a very good addition to drupal so please add a fix for this. There is no maintainer or dev name with the module. I wanted to contact him/her personally.

ecommerce and other module sample sites?

Every contribution should have a "sample" site displaying it's functions...

especially the ecommerce one... which i only found 1 site using it...

are there any others?

Taxonony module is not friendly to modules that define multiple nodes?

taxonomy_form_vocabulary() only invokes 'node_name', and never' types' on modules when enumerating all the node types. Thus, the node types defined by some of the modules I'm developing are not available to me when creating a taxononmy.

I this just an oversight?

Real wiki module?

Rather than links to an external wiki (which if i understand correctly, is what the existing wiki module provides, along with wiki markup? Pleasse corect me if i'm wrong). I want a wiki within Drupal. This would allow for integrated searching across wiki and Drupal content, backlinks to non-wiki pages, avoiding redundant work in style editing, and no doubt other nifty possibilities.

Is anyone here working on such a thing, or do you know of anyone working on such a thing?

Would you like to work on such a thing?

Modifying the Tracker-module


I'm willing to take my first steps into module-building, but since I'm still an novice-intermediate level in PHP & MySQL, I'm searching for good documentation on modules in 4.5.x - am I the only one to find the docs on this site fragmented and hard to find an answer to a question that may rise? This could be caused by the bad search-function I guess, but I'm not really sure.

Anyway, I would like to mod the Tracker-module to make it display all new nodes since ones last visit. This shouldn't be too hard, and is therefore probably a good starting point for me.


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