This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Authoring information problem


when i add a page or a story, authoring information displayed automaticly but i don't want to display authoring information. how can i solve this?

Home page with different kinds of nodes represented

My taxonomy currently looks like this:

- feature
- American Airlines
- Delta
- Jet Blue

Cruise Lines
- feature
- Carnival
- Princess

Sometimes, I will place a node in two sub-categories (ie. feature & Delta). On the homepage, I would like to bubble up the 3 most recent "features" of both main categories and display them at the top of the page. Following these, will be the most recent nodes regardless.

Filter question


I'm building a new module that will allow me to add some customized textfields into other node modules. I'm new to this, but everything has gone pretty smooth thus far, except that I can't figure out how to send the input from my new fields through the filtering system.

I used the nodeapi_example.module lesson as a reference and I'm guessing that it doesn't include any needed hooks for filtering? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Who can help setting up my site

I want to start a similar site like
pls have a look at let me know who can set this up for me.
I'll get the domain, I get the hosting, you develop the site.

Let me know who can do this


How to display new fields?


I'm looking to add a textfield to the book.module (I know this isn't recommended, but I'm just trying to learn at the moment.) I added the new field to the book table and have successfully entered information into it using the new field I created in book.module. My problem is that I don't know how to get it to display this new field in the book node page. How do I get it to print this new information?

filebrowser module - request for comments

I commited a custom taxonomy browser module to my cvs sandbox. It is not ready yet for a first class module, so I wouldn't commit it to the contributed modules.

What does it actually do?
It navigates a vocabulary as though it is a directory tree.
It supports both filestore2 and flexinode derived 'files' - actually it is meant for files but you can use whatever flexinode type you wish.

For those who have seen this module already. I've done some tidying up and minimal comments.


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