This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Mass input of event nodes

Hello everyone,

I have a requirement for the event module :
To be able to do "mass input", e.g. enter the data for f.i. 15 events at once, instead of one by one.

Do you know of any module that has such mass input already built in ?
Is it easy to build such mass input form for Drupal ?
Suppose I would customize event.module for this, do you have any tips for making this change ?

Best regards,

Eric Veltman

Subscription Module and 4.5

Has anyone had any success using the subscription module with Drupal 4.5. It installs properly and allows me to subscribe to stories but does not in anyway send emails. I know my system is configured for Drupal's core to send emails since i got one confirming my password with my initial account.

Do people have any adivce as far as pinpointing where I am messing up? Or is there and incompatibility with 4.5.

New module to test: inline.module

Hi all,
I would like to submit a basic bu useful module: inline.module.

The module is available on CVS here.

The inline.module allows you to display inline the files uploaded with the current node.

Suppose you have three uploade files:
- imag1.png (referred as file #1)
- file1.pdf (referred as file #2)
- imag2.png (referred as file #3)

You can specify in the body of the node the following tag:

How to know on which node we are inside a filter module

Hi all,
I would like to write a filter module that when $op='process' can do something on the actual node, so if I'm on node 21, it should know that $node->nid is 21.
How can I accomplish this ??
I tried using 'global $node inside _filter hook, but it seems not to work.
Can you help me please ???
thanks a lot

Textile module not rendering properly

I've downloaded the textile module for 4.5.0 and configured it to require the [textile] tags. It's working but not completely. Such things as emphasis are working fine, but block signatures don't seem to. For example, consider the following text entry (adapted from the web site):

webform.module fix

First I am going to piss some people off as usual. I created an issue on the webform module that is not appearing anywhere in the search. I basically said that it was not working at all and the way it works is not user freindly. So finding out the probelm is compounded by the lack of help and instructions. It looks as though that issue was deleted or the search is so bad that it can't be found. I doubt it because it is only a week old. This is one of the reasons that I dislike behind the scenes development on issues. Their importance is not as critical to the person handeling it as it is to the person discovering it.

Well the problem was that the add button does not work and the forms don't get created correctly. So you get a double content entry that is uneditable. For the form and one for each element that you try to add.
The problem stems from the fact that the an array is not set. Setting one via $var = array(); does not work either it seems. The index key is not set to 0 so the array_merge() function sees an unset array.

The fix on line 247 will get the proper behaviour in the module and show a list of added variables as it should.

 if( isset($_POST['webform_edit_done']) ) {
    $old_edit = array();
    $old_edit = unserialize($_POST['old_edit']);
	if (!is_array ($old_edit)) { 
       // something went wrong, initialize to empty array 
       $old_edit = array(); 

I will write in some help to the module also and send it in as a patch.


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