This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Article and Glossary modules for 4.5

Someone know when Article and Glossary modules for 4.5 may be ready?
I`ll wait them so much :)

What does `pid` contain in the `comments` table

Hi -

In the `comments` table of the Drupal database, what does the `pid` column stand for? I'm with and we're playing with writing some different display and comment code for Drupal threads, and we'd like to keep full backward compatability with the existing Drupal install.

I poked around, but I haven't been able to find any documentation on what various columns stand for. If anyone can point me to any docs that may exist, it'd be great.

Thank you.

Using the upload module functions to attach a file

I know the title isn't very descriptive, but here goes. I'm writing a mailing list module right now and am having trouble with one aspect. I already have a few options available such as stripping attachments based on mime type and archiving using the node and comment system. I am now trying to get allowed attachments to be attached and archived as node attachments. The only problem is I can't figure out which function is called to attach a file to a node. I'm hoping to use the upload_nodeapi or a function. Any ideas would be appreciated.


How to find out that you have been de-activated?

Is there any way for a module to find out that it has been de-activated by being deselected from the enabled modules on the system admin/modules page?

I have some clear up work on the database I would like to do at this point

Features module turns up empty

I have tried the features module on 4.5 and got an empty table with no admin controls. I tried a bug fix found under RC issues but still nothing. Was it updated since Oct 2?

I updated vocabulary_list.module, and have a few questions.

I updated, well entirely refactored, vocabulary_list.module to use the new 4.5 url scheme. The goal is to enter domain.tld/taxonomy/vocabulary/1, and get all nodes that are under that vocabulary. Just like taxonomy term urls, operators can be used, a depth can be added, and a syndication is available with 'feed'.

I took all inspiration, and most code, from taxonomy.module, and I've got it working pretty well.

But I've got two questions for the master coders here at if you could take a look at the code, I'd appreciate it: new vocabulary_list.module

1. The only main problem I'm seeing is when I try to load up a vocabulary's feed. Actually, when I try to load a term's feed, and I have this new module enabled, the problem shows up as well. I have NO idea why that would be.

Anyway, if I try to access a feed like domain.tld/taxonomy/vocabulary/1/all/feed/, the rss pops out malformed, with a few extra characters at the beginning. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the breadcrumbs, but that's a wild guess. (you can see it in action here.

1a. I was never able to get the breadcrumbs to work here. Which is fine, as I don't think there is a need for a breadcrumb trail when browsing a vocabulary, but I'm not sure if commenting out that code is causing problems. I think it might be...


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