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Upload, filemanager, filestore2 and fscache

Options we have
By default, drupal brings "upload" module that allow us to attach files to nodes that we create. We can test this by enabling the "upload.module" and then by adding a new node (e.g. page) we see an "Attachments" section.

Then we have "filemanager" that says that "Modules using this repository don't have to deal with filenames, directory, size limits, or creating download URLs."
While the module description resumes what the "settings" panel has (and it's very good), unfortunally I don't seem to know how to work with it. How would I use it to attach files to nodes or just upload files to the server?

"Filestore2" has the name indicates, provides a repository of files. This module has the functions needed to upload a file (has a node) and add to it some information fields. It also provides an hook to upload (one file) when we are adding nodes of other type. "Filestore2" uses "fscache" API to work with files.

What we need
Has you see there are quite some options (and that is exactly the problem) but none of them satisfies completely the need of a "file managment" enviroment.
What do we really need for "file uploading"? Basicly we need:

  • upload files has a node type, so it can have a diferent layout and fields to fill
  • the option to attach one or more files to any node type
  • the administrative option to control all files (within a big list), see the downloads of every one, deactivate, control download permissions
  • enough settings to set limits and control upload permissions

Wiki, Article Module

Are there any plans for modules like Wiki and Article to be ported to 4.5?


user registration with terms of use agreement?

Is there a module for or one that can be modified easily to have a user aggreement page show? I need the site users to accept the terms of usage before the registration continues.

poormanscron maintainer?

I have some questions regarding the poormanscron module. I use it on several sites and there's no 4.5 version, yet. I supplied a patch ( and asked if I may apply it, but received no answer, yet.

node privacy byrole module causing duplicated display of forum topics

This is a great module! Just what I was looking for to segregate contect based on user roles. However, there's one funny thing going on, and I'm not sure if it falls into the "feature" or "bug" category...

If a user has multiple roles, and a forum topic has access permissions for each of those roles, the forum topics are duplicated one time for each role for that user.

For example, if a user is set up with the following three roles:
1) authenticated user
2) contributor
3) developer

using paypal getting scalar mysql errors while using IPN

Although originally working just fine, I am now getting these errors when testing using paypal.module using IPN to process payments:

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 295.

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 465.

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 508.

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 513.

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 518.

warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/nickfeld/ on line 521.

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nickfeld/ on line 523.

warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /home/nickfeld/ on line 531.


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