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I am working on a tinyMCE module, it's a html editor like htmlAREA but better... I am looking for other people interested in this module to help with the development. So far I have a working version adapted from the htmlAREA module. You can choose on what text areas to display it on and whether it should be enabled by default or not. What I need help with is adding more options to it in the settings menu. I am not intending on releasing it until its a bit more sophisticated unless someone really wants a copy :P.
Well, I did a quick look through several forums, but was unable to find anything on the subject - partly because I am not so sure whose development area this would fall under.
Is it possible to update the cms, or a module or news block by sending a sms from a mobile phone to a specified email address. The CMS upon receiving the email address could cut out the subject line and use it as the title of the article, and also cut the email body and use it as the articles content.
Is this a module thing, or a chronjob of some sort.....
I have a Movable Type blog I'm porting over to Drupal. Typical of the sort, I have a bunch of weekly archive files and a list linking to them on the front page of my site. I have a module built that handles this: it builds a block for the sidebar and the content page they link to. Right now the code assumes a single blog in the installation. I believe I can get around that (the links I build will have to pick up the "blog/#" and the page build the query accordingly).
I'm not sure why but the break thingie does not work. it just blanks off the whole of the rest of the page. what i wan't it to do is make the front page version stop there and there to be a read more link at the bottom that takes you to the rest of it.
does anyone know how to do this?
When I followed the guidelines in the admin help file to create some of my own user fields they did not work i the copied exactly what they did and they don't work! :( When I go to the edit my account page it says this: <b>warning:</b> Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\mike\modules\user.module on line 981.
Any one know why? :?