I have a few questions for the developer of the Artist module,
1. Authenticated users don’t get the ‘artists’ option added to their nav menu. Only the super admin can see it. In the nav bar at the top, where it says ‘artist’, Auth. Users get a ‘page not found’ error. I’m assuming the answer is in this bit of code, but I don’t know PHP to fix it:
function artist_link($type) {
$links = array();
if ($type == "system") {
if (user_access("create stories")) {
menu("node/add/artist", t("artist"), "node_page", 0);
if (user_access("Access Content")) {
menu("artist", t("artists"), "artist_page", 0);
if ($type == "page" && user_access("access content")) {
$links[] = l(t("artists"), "artist", array("title" => t("Browse the articles about artists")));
return $links;
2. Why does it say ‘Alpha’ in big letters at the top of the artist page? Where in the module can I change this?
3. Can I use a taxonomy vocabulary instead of the alphabet for browsing on this page? My site is about music and it would make more sense for this to be organised by genre (taxonomy already set up and running). (and what would I need to add to get it working). In fact, I would really like some kind of combination of the features in the article and artist module... (Ie no. of related articles in brackets after each taxonomy term) but that's getting beyond me!