This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Statistics Dont Work On Book Pages

I have just noticed that statistics only update when viewing a node. Even on the site the page count doesnt go up on book pages. If you view the same page but change book to node in the URL then it increments.

You can fix it by changing statistics.module:

if ((arg(0) == 'node') && (arg(1) == 'view') && arg(2)) {

if (((arg(0) == 'node') || (arg(0) == 'book')) && (arg(1) == 'view') && arg(2)) { :: We Create Code

Campaign module

I needed a module for a nonprofit organization that shows temporary campaign popups, so I hacked it together from other module parts. It is very simplistic, but I don't have the skills to develop it further.

Currently, it has a settings page with a radio button that allows users with admin campaign rights to enable/disable the campaign. There's also a textbox for title and another for text. If the campaign (not the module itself, because that is always enabled) is enabled, a block can be displayed with its title and text. Additionally, also if the campaign is enabled, there's a window that pops up with the title and the text. The popup is cookie-dependent and it is displayed only once per browser session so that it's not annoying.

The shortcomings are

  • the block displays the full campaign text instead of just a teaser of an admin-defined number of characters or such, plus a more link leading to...
  • ...a (currently missing) page like where the current campaign is displayed in its full text
  • optionally, it should be able to deal with more than one campaign, which I think would only be possible with a separate mysql table
  • should it be able to store more than one campaign, there would be no separate popups for each campaign but one window listing title+teaser for all campaigns, and a link to their separate pages under the main campaign page...

Applied for cvs access... but nada

I applied for CVS access to drupal-contrib twice in the last week, but I have received no indication that my application was received, denied, or approved. Does the form work? Should I take my request to the mailing list or to a specific person?

image module mods

I'm pretty new to drupal. I wanted a bit more functionality out of the image module, and I noticed a few others did as well.

I added support for an intermediate image size, which is now the default view for images. You click on the image to get the full size version.

I also added a slideshow feature for galleries.

These changes are highly untested. If you download this module and run into problems, let me know and i'll see what I can do to fix them.

List Module

Has anyone got a similar List module to that used here please?


Banner.module ?? How to open in new Windows when clicking on banner

i have tried much things but dont getting it to work.
When you click on the banner displayed by banner module, the site should be opened in new window and not in the same window.

does anyone have an idea.
cannot display the code here


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