I submitted a new module (signup) months back in April. Since then, I have added a CVS tree, and a sample site. A few other people have used it. However, I can't edit this information until the module is approved.
Is there anything I can do to get the module approved?
I'm trying my best to use the nodeapi hooks to mail a certain subset of users when a node is changed from 'unpublished' to 'published', which from observing the database, apears to be when $node->status changes from 0 to 1. I asume I should be using the "update" hook, with a little trickery to make sure I only send e-mails the first time an "update" is performed and status=1.
I wrote the following code, however I see no output from any of the print statements when I publish a node from the content administration page.
I noticed in the repository mathias tweaking some things in the E-Commerece module this past week. I have not used it with Drupal 4.4.x or the current CVS version, but does it work? Or does it only work with Drupal 4.3.x? Any plans to make it work with Drupal 4.4.x or even 4.5.x?
I just clicked on a "Who's New" link as an anonymous user on the site I'm running, as was horrified to see every field in the profiles module displayed. The only thing anonymouse users have permissoins to on the site are "Access Content" and "Access provate Messages". So how come I'm seeing this dudes home address?
I'll be adding a permissions block to this module, tonight. Seems like it out to be there by default.
I have just noticed that statistics only update when viewing a node. Even on the drupal.org site the page count doesnt go up on book pages. If you view the same page but change book to node in the URL then it increments.