This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Block content translation?

Is there a way to translate the contents of a custom block with either locale or i18n?

XStory for 4.4.1


Is anyone have succeed to patch xstory and attached_file for Drupal 4.4.1??
I'm working on this but there is still bugs.


fscache module (and hence filestore2) issues with PHP 4.1.x

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the best place for this, but I couldn't find a project for fscache.

I run Debian Woody for production servers, and some of the software is a little old these days but I'd like to stick with the included versions for stability and security patching reasons. We need to be able to upload large (ie up to 20MB) files into Drupal, and the original filestore module was running into the 16MB SQL packet size limit on MySQL 3.x.

So I recently installed the filestore2 module (and fscache) from cvs into a test Drupal 4.4.1 install here, because filestore2 seems to get around those issues. Anyway, filestore2 requires fscache and fscache has a couple of bits that require PHP 4.2.x while Woody still uses 4.1.x.

I made some minor mods to fscache.module and got it all working properly. In case anybody is interested, I've included them below:

Separate nodes by date

I would like to add a line or table on the front page automatically each day that says "yesterdays posts (or that date's posts)" then everything above that table would be the todays, Maybe a different color table too so it's easier to distinguish between new posts.

Does anyone have a module like this? Or know how to build one similar? I don't know much about php but if anyone had an idea that would be a big help.

Does anyone use rating.module for cvs?

I would like to use this module but it doesn't seem to work with 4.4.1 has anyone been able to make this one work?

Navigation Module Error: Call to undefined function: file_check_location()

I've just installed the Navigation module and when try to access the config screen for the first time I get this error. What's my next move, please (very new to drupal & php)


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